Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Justice will catch up with Minnis and the rest of the crew that were in favour of such nonsense one day. A lot of people have not forgotten the BS what went on a couple of years ago.

On Minnis and McCartney alliance?

Posted 14 April 2024, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Fr, there is no coming back when you lose FNM strongholds like Central & South Abaco, N Eleuthera, Montague, seats that even voted for Tommy T, as a sitting FNM Prime Minister. I would have resigned from politics entirely out of shame.

On Minnis and McCartney alliance?

Posted 14 April 2024, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Get Starlink if you can, it is miles better than anything BTC or Cable have to offer on the Family Islands.

LastManStanding says...

I never expect a project of this size could be staffed with all Bahamians, the problem is just that Treasure is probably the worst community on Abaco when it comes to immigration violations. Americans, Mexicans, Haitians, you name it have all been working in that community illegally. It is sadly largely encouraged by some of the second homeowners that live there.

LastManStanding says...

How did A-TEC end up? In any case, I honestly don't think Kovats is a good fit for Treasure. The first big problem is that most of the community was opposed to him getting it. Homeowners (locals and second homeowners) have a lot of influence in day to day operations, so you have to consider their opinions to a certain degree. The second is that Kovats does not come off as an experienced hotelier to me. You need someone with experience to deal with a project of this size, which is why I always believed Craig Roberts would have been the best developer if he could have pulled it off. Who gives a shit what other business he is involved in, the fact is that he has produced a good tourism product with proven results; that experience is mandatory when developing a project of this size. In any case these people out of Jacksonville come across as serious, no nonsense developers so I think that they will do a good job with it.

LastManStanding says...

Ideally there would be some form of independent body responsible for ensuring that the reports are accurate in addition to being filed on time. Filing a bunch of foolishness just to say you filed and met the deadline is pointless and does nothing to benefit this country. One somewhat recent case what comes to mind is when Brent Symonette declared a net worth of 156 mil in 2017, which is unbelievably low for him tbh. It wasn't just him that cycle, I am just using it as an example to illustrate the point. Doing things just for the sake of doing things benefits no one.

LastManStanding says...

I only hope that any developer of Treasure Cay is interested in supporting local Abaconian businessmen and professionals and not just bringing in their American buddies to steal all of the good paying work.

LastManStanding says...

You can go just go read his Wikipedia entry and find out more if you were really serious.

LastManStanding says...

You are mistaken, the government has every right to require a bond. The original developer of Treasure Cay, Leonard Thompson, had to meet certain conditions related to developing the resort within a certain time frame as part of his agreement. This isn't something that they asked for out of the blue, and any serious developer would understand that and put it down to diffuse any concerns that might have existed about parking the land.

LastManStanding says...

Exactly. The government has every right to refuse approval for the sale, people pretending as if the government did something wrong have no clue what they are talking about. This is a sale involving a bit less than 100 acres IIRC of prime real estate, some of it being top tier beachfront real estate, you can't approve the sale to every Tom Dick and Harry who wants to buy it.