Comment history

LastManStanding says...

I am so tired of hearing about this issue, both sides of this argument act like literal children. A certain part of one group feel that they can call themselves Christian and rape their wives, while the other group wants men summarily convicted and imprisoned simply because a woman says so. This is a topic that needs a high level of maturity to discuss and it feels as if no one in this country has it.

To be honest I think the whole argument is moot because marriage as an institution is dead anyways. Hookup culture and family courts weaponized against men have cratered the marriage rates, and most young people are just not interested. It is a whole bunch of arguing for nothing.

On Comments on marital rape issue

Posted 26 May 2023, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Meeting between dumb and dumber. Granted, Brave is probably at least a whole standard deviation higher in IQ than Kamala, maybe even two.

LastManStanding says...

Would be a bad idea in the long term. The US will always be our primary trading partner due to location, but the truth is that the US is in the death throes of an empire and China is ascending in prominence. What happened to Izmirlian is wrong, but we have to plan for a future in which the US is not the biggest player on the world stage.

LastManStanding says...

Our MPs are going to be fatter than ever with all of this new revenue they plan to have coming in. Government them soon need to start chartering a wider plane for them to fly around on; buffet restaurant stocks are looking bullish.

LastManStanding says...

> We have been informed that the International Monetary Fund has recommended this course of action to the Ministry of Finance.

Good reason not to do it. They certainly don't have ours (or any other nation's) best interests at heart. Dealing with the IMF is dealing with the devil.

LastManStanding says...

Not to dogpile, but our power grid is held together with bubble gum and ducktape. The Bahamas is not ready for mainstream adoption of electric vehicles.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh I truly doubt that Bahamians will ever evolve past the FNM/PLP circus simply because not enough honestly care about the country to ever make a change. The "as long as I got mines' mentality is so prevalent that not enough realize that there might not be anything left to take one day. Lincoln put up respectable numbers last time, but the fact is that 66k Bahamians voted for the exact same PLP running the same exact old sorry looking faces that they kicked out in droves 4.5 years earlier; if that isn't depressing than God knows what is. I get that Minnis was horrid and doing a bunch of crap with the lockdowns, but the solution is certainly not to vote in the same exact crew you kicked out for 4.5 years earlier for shitty performance. It was at that moment I realized that this country is completely doomed and nothing will ever change.

My personal take is that a complete outsider has to take power and completely destroy every stranglehold that the old establishment has on the political and economic processes in this country for things to ever improve. I don't have high hopes of that happening, so the most likely outcome is continued decline into truly third world standards of living (despite our difficulties, the Bahamas is a FAR better place to live than most third world countries) ie. complete erasure of the middle class, even more rampant crime and unchecked political corruption, out of control debt and inflation (the inflation topic is only going to become more prominent as the US dollar's status as a global reserve currency continues to erode). The future is not very bright IMO, but of course only God knows for sure.

LastManStanding says...

Pit bulls are responsible for over 60% of dog bites in the United States. Only those in a state of pure delusion cannot see that it is absolutely a breed problem.

LastManStanding says...

Who really believes this kabuki theater anymore? It makes no difference whether it's "FNM" or "PLP", they are the same organization and are all on board with the same agenda. They all get rich off of the taxpayer dime living lavish lifestyles, while working class Bahamians suffer even more. They all go to the same lodge and all have their children in the same expensive boarding schools. They play us for fools and the 60 IQ electorate of this country still shakes up their booty every 5 years for some fried chicken, rum, and a marlin in a hat thinking "it's going to be different this time".

I wish Bahamians would break out of this illusion of "choice". It makes no difference which one you vote for, you are still going eat the same shit sandwich at the end of the day.

LastManStanding says...

Takes two to tango, last time I checked women open their legs for these dead beat men as well. You can't eat your cake and have it too, either women have agency to make their own decisions or they don't.