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LastManStanding says...

White? Like the Cohens, Nulands, Blinkens, Garfinkles, Kushners, etc.? You need to look closer, it's absolutely not the White man that is pushing the homosexual agenda or these malicious laws designed to destroy the family unit.

LastManStanding says...

The man is not wrong; people like pretend otherwise but there are plenty of women willing to lie for self gain or to simply spite a man that no longer serves their needs. The Johnny Depp trial from around a year ago is a good public example of this.

No woman should ever be subject to rape regardless of marital status, but there has to be a fair system to handle accusations that protects the rights of the accused as well. Otherwise, the system will only be used to defame the character of innocent men like happens so often in Western countries today.

LastManStanding says...


As far as I am aware we never signed on to the economic parts of caricom, and for very good reason. Our economy cannot support the natives much less thousands of more work permit holders functioning as scab labour. I for one am really sick and tired of work permits being given out for jobs that Bahamians can easily perform, I shit you not I know of a foreigner on a work permit for a local school teaching bahamian history. In my own industry I have to compete with Haitians trying to undercut me and American carpetbaggers trying to wedge their way in. Haitians need to go back and build up Haiti and Americans have 50+ states and territories that they can do business in, there really is no good reason for any of them to be here.

LastManStanding says...

This. I won't believe they will ditch the business license regime until I see it. We got sold the same dream with VAT and duty. Our politicians thrive off of the electorate's short memory and collective stupidity.

LastManStanding says...

Why don't we just get rid of border control entirely and let the whole country go up for grabs?

"Brain drain" is not being caused by our immigration policy, our "brain drain" is a result of 50+ years of governmental failure courtesy of the Plunder Loot and Pillage and Foreign National Movement administrations (plus the misguided notion that life is automatically going to be better for them overseas which many Bahamians seem to possess). Only a complete fool would believe this drivel.

LastManStanding says...

> One of the mistakes of the last PLP administration was that it failed to provide accountability and lost the public trust. That led to them being voted out in a landslide.

And then being voted right back in 4.5 years later...

I feel like not enough people realize how utterly broken our political system is at this point.

LastManStanding says...

Paternity testing should be mandatory before even accepting a father's name on the birth certificate.

The only people opposed to this measure are those with treasonous intent to sell out what little remains of our national heritage.

LastManStanding says...

> “Look at what happens in referendums,” he said last year. “A lot of time the right thing doesn’t get done. We are about governing for the right thing.

If this quote doesn't show you that voting is truly a waste of time, I don't know what will. He is just saying the quiet part out loud and telling everyone that the wishes of the Bahamian people are worthless and that it doesn't matter what we think. I still remember the number houses referendum a decade ago, it was a watershed moment for me politically because it was probably the first time that I saw what a waste of time voting was when the voice of the Bahamian people would not be respected in any event. It's kabuki theatre that only midwits still believe in.

LastManStanding says...

Let me know when they tear the first one down.

LastManStanding says...

Wait until you learn what "real money" is backed by lol.

On Crypto mining ban 'begs explanation'

Posted 10 May 2023, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal