Comment history

LastManStanding says...

The UN is possibly the most irrelevant organization in global politics at the moment. Why do we even pay these people the time of day?

LastManStanding says...

I would take it a step further and say that we need to retroactively revoke certain citizenships just like the Dominican Republic did a little while back.

LastManStanding says...

Head of state wields no real power in the day to day affairs of this country, what does replacing King Charles with another government teat sucking parasite really accomplish? Absolutely nothing.

The whole issue of a republic is brought up solely by politicians who are completely out of touch with what the average Bahamian has to endure on a daily basis to survive; they fail to realize that nobody really cares because there are literally a thousand bigger problems that need to be dealt with.

LastManStanding says...

The people who can't afford to pay rent are probably not going to be buying land and getting a mortgage for a house anytime soon. Even if they can afford to pay rent, it is a vicious cycle of not being able to save up for a down payment because the rent sucks out half your pay (or more in some places) and you have little to nothing left by the time you account for your other expenses.

Another part of it is the fact that everyone wants skilled labour but nobody wants to pay skilled labour salary. Most companies that I have seen struggling to find labour simply are not paying enough to get what they want. That is a complex issue because this country is an expensive one to do business in, but a lot of Bahamian employers are stuck thinking that salaries from 20 years ago are adequate to survive in the modern Bahamas.

LastManStanding says...

These women need to sit small and stop opening their mouths because the minute the police come to lock up their sons we will hear the usual "he was a good boy who dindu nuffin" spiel that has become iconic at this point.

LastManStanding says...

Why the locked comments under the caricom "assault weapons" article? Maybe because no one can actually define what an "assault weapon" is? That being said, Minnis is correct in criticizing Davis for his strategy because the case they are bringing against gun manufacturers in the United States has zero chance of succeeding.

The real problem is that basic civil rights such as firearms ownership and the right to bail while being tried are meant for civilized societies with people that have evolved past hunter-gatherers, which really doesn't work with the kind of people that we have residing here. The Bahamas is just another case study proving that exporting Western civilization to third world countries has been a massive failure and huge waste of time and resources. Some people are never going to figure it out.

LastManStanding says...

The foxes are in charge of the henhouse, can we expect any better?

LastManStanding says...

I don't think anyone in their right mind expects a woman to get raped inside of marriage, but the problem is that no one I have spoken to on this topic can explain to me how a man is supposed to be convicted of this crime without relying solely on hearsay. Quite frankly, false accusations regarding sexual crimes is a massive problem in Westernized countries and has contributed to the plummeting birthrates and societal dysfunction that we are witnessing in those nations today. Women absolutely need to protected in marriage, but men need to be protected from false accusations that abuse the judicial process with the sole aim to tarnish and destroy the reputation of the man being accused as well. The issue needs to be addressed in a way that is fair to both men and women.

LastManStanding says...

We for sure won't be able to comment about it lol.

On We must stand up and speak

Posted 19 April 2023, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Complete non-sense. Pitbulls are responsible for ~60% of dog bites in the United States, the highest among any breed, with Rottweilers coming in second at ~15%. It is 100% a breed problem.