Comment history

LastManStanding says...

To be honest I would quicker smoke weed for pain relief than take any of the opioids that doctors love to give out. Far less addictive than a lot of prescription pain relievers.

LastManStanding says...

Canada is an Anglophone country outside of Quebec and certain parts of the Maritimes, to act as if most of the nation speaks French is a joke. There would be massive integration issues not even considering the language barrier, I would be very eager to see Canadian's reactions to the first shantytown that gets set up in Ottawa or the GTA.

On Colonialism and Haiti

Posted 9 April 2023, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Not just an issue here, the same situation (and worse) is happening in every major North American city right now. Too many people and not enough new development. Housing bubble will pop eventually, but the economy will pop with it too, not a whole lot of people will be able to secure financing then. This decade is going to be a very turbulent one, economically speaking.

LastManStanding says...

Yes, because it is legal gunowners with shotties and 22LRs that are committing all of the murders in this country. This will definitely bring down the crime rate. Great thinking!

On Munroe: We’ll toughen gun licence rules

Posted 30 March 2023, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Home. You will go home.

The arrogance of these people to pretend that they are some kind of victims in this situation is astounding; I studied overseas and did not build a shack on a next man's property that I had no rights to be on in the first place. These people and their mentality are incompatible with civilized society.

LastManStanding says...

Bahamians, generally speaking, are too tech illiterate for ecommerce solutions to become big in this country. Trying to get something as simple as a document properly scanned and emailed is a hair pulling exercise with a lot of people here.

LastManStanding says...

When are we going to start considering prison sentences for these people that are clearly trying to destroy whatever little is left of this country?

LastManStanding says...

There is indeed a demographic correlation with crime, but it certainly isn't on the basis of religion. Look a little deeper.

On Hinduism encroaching Bahamian life

Posted 27 March 2023, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

You think so? Tbh I still maintain that nothing significant will ever come from this matter; sbf might spend a couple of months in a posh "rich people" prison, and maybe one or two Bahamian fall guys will get picked up, but the truth is that the US political establishment is just as guilty of taking kickbacks from this scam as any of the Bahamian ones. They will do what they always do: find a fall guy to take the blame for the history books, and sweep it under the rug. Nobody important will ever face justice.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh I think that people are gassing the significance of this issue up way higher than it actually is. The average Bahamian has far too many more pressing matters to worry about than whatever happens with this deal. The thing is that this situation is not even the worst scandal Brave them have had so far; they literally admitted to brazen theft a little while back (Bermuda trip) and nobody literally batted an eye. Aside from Lincoln Bain, nobody in this country really seems to care.

On Cruise deal strikes nerve

Posted 22 March 2023, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal