Comment history

LastManStanding says...

China is much more dependent on economic soft power than the US; that, plus the fact that most of their neighbors (aside from N Korea) hate them, means they really haven't had the chance to put a whole bunch of military installations overseas. That being said, I agree with you that TPTB in the West are going to force a war with Russia and China soon enough; they are giving Russia in particular no other option, and China is looking at the Ukraine situation and anticipating the same playbook with Taiwan.

LastManStanding says...

This country is rapidly becoming (an even worse) international embarrassment. These people will come up with any cockamamie excuse to avoid taking personal responsibility for their actions.

LastManStanding says...

Selling dreams like it's election season lol.

LastManStanding says...

You mean like the woman who has just been charged with corruption, or the one that couldn't read numbers from a spreadsheet, or the one that couldn't tell you how many taxi plates have been given out? To pin our leadership issues on sex is the height of stupidity considering we have more than enough examples of idiots and crooks among both men and women in government. Truth is the leadership issues stem from genetics, particularly IQ as it relates to being unable to understand the long term consequences of actions.

LastManStanding says...

Given the country of origin, it would be reasonable for immigration to have concerns regarding that issue.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh that is a flaw of our Parliamentary system and not of the FNM itself. If my memory is correct, the whip was on for that vote in anticipation that it would be controversial. It is why I think people who talk about voting on the basis of an individual MPs merits are foolish, they answer to a party and have to fall in line with the party agenda. Robinson knew the risk he took by breaking with the party.

LastManStanding says...

Dollarization would be very painful at first, but would go a long way to curbing the wasteful spending and tiefin' that goes on with these governments, which is why they will let our currency devalue in order to keep the gravy train going.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh I wouldn't be so hasty in assuming that the FNM wouldn't win the next election, with or without Minnis at the helm....we said the same thing about the PLP and Brave in the aftermath of 2017. Brave will be as unpopular as Minnis was with the amount of new taxes he is adding, and Bahamian people still haven't seemed to figure out that the FNM & PLP are one big tiefin' racket working hand in hand.

On Supporters of Minnis in echo chamber

Posted 9 March 2023, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

> What happens next?

Go home if you don't have papers, or find a legal place to stay like everyone else if you do. It really is that simple.

On EDITORIAL – Haiti policy: What happens next?

Posted 27 February 2023, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

You know full well the answer to the first question lol. The lack of an independent Speaker (as is the case in the UK) is something that has always bothered me with our political system; a very big flaw if you ask me.