Comment history

LastManStanding says...

I am expecting that they will put in a corporate tax for domestic companies while also keeping the existing business license fee structure as well.

All aboard the train to economic collapse.

On Governor: Income tax allows better targeting

Posted 27 February 2023, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Ahhh yes, let's help the poor by taxing their already meagre income even more. It really kills me how these people continue to pretend that VAT and duty will just magically disappear by adding yet another tax on an already struggling populace.

You have to be a real smoothbrained idiot to believe this hogwash.

On Governor: Income tax allows better targeting

Posted 27 February 2023, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Fox says the farmer must put more hens in the coop...nothing left to eat.

LastManStanding says...

Fringe...absolutely not. CoI put up very respectable numbers for a third party in this country.

LastManStanding says...

Dog don't bark at parked car...Lincoln has been a more effective opposition figure than any of the PLP or FNM ever have, and this is while not even having a seat in Parliament. The only people against this man are the ones who are scared of their dark deeds coming to light.

LastManStanding says...

Also, maybe getting an actual building PERMIT with approved plans and building according to code (hard concepts to understand for the mentally challenged, I know) would have prevented the fire from getting out of hand.

LastManStanding says...

I am so sick and tired of hearing the stupid attempts to defend this shantytown foolishness. Buy/build a home and get fire insurance instead of squatting up on land that you are stealing and maybe this won't be a problem. Maybe the people that support THEFT should finally step up to the plate and practice what they preach by deciding to house those displaced, or maybe it is just too easy for them to preach from an ivory tower, more like gated community, and lecture those of us who actually have to live around this problem.

LastManStanding says...

Atomwaffen was infiltrated by spooks a long time ago; wouldn't be surprised to find out he was on the F bee eye payroll at some point in the future, or that they entrapped him like those dudes in Michigan. Baltimore's power grid needs no further assistance in collapsing, another generation the grid across the entire US will be like ours; 100 years, South Africa (if America is still around at that point). Have to keep that "white supremacy" narrative alive at all costs while nobody even prosecutes the animals that brutally beat that little Florida girl on the bus a couple of days ago

LastManStanding says...

We don't give out citizenship on the basis of being born here; that, plus his surname, leads me to believe that he is a genuine Bahamian.

LastManStanding says...

The FOIA would be good in theory, but we are still right back to square one of expecting the government to expose itself. I can tell you that they will just either a.) deny requests outright or b.) don't acknowledge them and say that the "email got lost" or "they didn't receive it".