Comment history

LastManStanding says...

It could be some top heavy officials that are driving up the average number. In general, I agree with you though; the people I know that work for NIB don't make anything close to that amount.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh I don't quite understand this take that introducing an income tax is somehow going to magically solve the problems of those less economically well off. The poor are still going to have pay all of the pre-existing taxes like VAT, duties, RPT (if not on the Family Islands), etc. while they are now going to be taxed on their already small salary (if they have one) plus funding received through social assistance or gifts ("income" literally means all income, not just your salary). We are going to help the disabled and elderly by taxing their NIB? Is taxing those who can't work due to injury really going to help their financial situation any? The really great part about consumption taxes is that, aside from certain expenses like food or medical, you can control how much you pay.

The methods that work in America or Canada are not going to work here, the Bahamas does not have a robust enough middle class to sustain an income tax regime without pushing the poor even deeper into poverty. Our economic pyramid is "bottom heavy" and it's not like the well connected in the top 1% will pay their part anyways. How many don't even bother to file their disclosures on time? This is not even considering the economic permanent residents that spend more than six months in this country, they are not going to remain here under an income tax regime.

I concur with ThisIsOurs, we have a theft and fiscal mismanagement problem, not a taxation one. Tbh these governments have zero moral authority to even utter the phrase "new taxes" when all they do is steal and pilfer whatever they rob from us now. We can put in income tax, inheritance tax, or whatever stupid tax the government concocts and in another couple of years we will see the trial balloons start going up in the newspapers about the need for new taxes to "reduce the national debt" (a euphemism for "we need more money to steal"). Only the dumb and ignorant haven't caught onto the scam at this point.

LastManStanding says...

Even if you could just magically get rid of every firearm, gangsters would just kill each other with knives and bottles instead. Easier to blame it on the gun than the shitty culture though, so that is the line that most people go with.

LastManStanding says...

These people really think that we are stupid.

LastManStanding says...

Will this be for domestic companies or IBCs?

On Corporate income tax paper before Q1 end

Posted 2 February 2023, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Not fit to lead as opposed to Brave "blow the whistle when you getting raped" Davis or Perry "flip the bird on live TV" Christie? Maybe the party of "three goats and two birds" is a better option?

I voted CoI in the last election and will continue to do so or just not vote at all in the future. I don't agree with Lincoln on everything, but he absolutely cannot be any worse than whichever clown the other two put up. The bar is already low as it can go, he can only be an improvement.

LastManStanding says...

Complete bullshit. You are right in that the immigration issue is not exclusively a Haitian one (I know of Americans who have done business in this country illegally, undercutting locals) but it at least 95% Haitian related. There are no Chinese or Americans living in the shantytowns, nothing but pure Haitians. If you love them so much, come on over to Abaco and pick them up. Several thousand are here living on the Farm and all over Great Abaco Highway waiting for you to feed and house them.

LastManStanding says...

Build a wall around the shoreline. I'm not joking, that is literally the only thing that will ever stop them from coming here. Haiti is not a "nation" anymore than I am the King of England, approaching the issue from that perspective is foolish from the beginning. Problem is that no one wants to go and claim the territory because its millions of more mouths to feed at no benefit to the host country. So I say simply build a wall around them and let them figure it out.

On EDITORIAL: Action on Haiti needed - but what?

Posted 26 January 2023, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

You are free to come on over to Abaco and pick them up out of the shanty towns if you love them so much. Plenty on Great Abaco Highway and the Farm for you to come and house. You can pay all of the NIB contributions that they don't as well.

They don't pay NIB, don't buy land, don't get proper permits to build (or even reside in most cases), don't have businesses licenses, drive without insurance or driving licenses (no kidding I've seen them on the road at night driving vehicles with no lights), murder people every where they go, burn our forests for coal, poison our water table shitting in the ground, throw garbage in the blue holes, and the list goes on and on. I shit you not the Mudd and Peas had their own power grid prior to Dorian...the situation is out of control and anyone defending this foolishness and believing that they are some kind of victims needs a psychiatric examination.

John Pinder has every much right to speak about his father's land as anyone else. Bahamian history did not just magically start in 1967, and you can leave if you don't like that.

LastManStanding says...

Haiti is a failed state and needs to be placed under international government. They don't know how to function as a nation, and they are not going to figure it out anytime soon either. This is our future if we don't take our citizenship seriously.