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LastManStanding says...

Guess that we will soon be taxed on how much shit we generate in a day too.

On ‘More detail’ needed on tax proposal

Posted 25 January 2023, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Our country cannot support the people that are here, and the narrative trying to be conjured up is that letting more in is a good idea? We need to be encouraging people to leave this country if anything, simply because we are overpopulated at this point and the economy cannot provide enough jobs or social assistance to keep everyone alive (explosive economic growth isn't happening anytime soon either).

Go take a trip to Brampton and let me know how great the dieversity in Canada is, or maybe try to buy a home in Vancouver, the GTA, or even the Maritimes these days (you can't). Immigration has been a net negative to Canada but is encouraged because a.) it drives down wages (keeps corps happy and donating to the Libs) b.) keeps the housing market overpriced (secures the boomer vote for the Libs but has completely screwed over millennials and zoomers) and c.) provides about a million brand new Liberal voters every 4 years. Immigration is a political tool used to destroy nations and I would much rather our country go back to the UK or become a territory of America than turn into some soulless husk of a nation like Canada where the only thing they have for a culture is poutine.

LastManStanding says...

The whole cabinet would have resigned over this scandal if we were not a banana republic pretending to be a civilized country.

LastManStanding says...

Looks like destruction of our citizenship is the next narrative that media establishment, in conjunction with the politicos, are trying to conjure up.

You have to be completely asinine not to see that our country can't even support the people we have now, much less bringing even more people in. The people agitating for this and trying to set the narrative have nothing but the most sinister of intentions in mind.

LastManStanding says...

We will be hearing about how NIB needs more money until the day that we die.

LastManStanding says...

I studied overseas and paid income tax while working, still paid double (probably closer to triple all fees included) in tuition for being international. The process to obtain permanent residency overseas costs several thousand dollars as well.

I don't think we should be charging unfairly, but we absolutely have a right to levy a fee for using our airspace.

LastManStanding says...

Wondering what kind of bussup will be coming in July lol.

On Mitchell blasted by Dame Marguerite

Posted 11 January 2023, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

> Yahoo news

Lol. Good as Pravda.

Same people who egged on the protests against zero COVID are now trying to bring back useless, asinine travel restrictions to play geo-political games; anyone who can't see that the medical field is completely politicized after COVID is an utter moron.

LastManStanding says...

Sadly, I would wager that they received the saline shots instead of the real thing. Would solve a lot of problems if they hadn't.