Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Shocked that the comment section is still open for this one.

LastManStanding says...

I loved to read when I was younger, but just simply don't have the time to invest like I used to.

With regards to the younger generations, I think that their attention spans are fried thanks to social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram which are centered around having quick & relatable things to share (although that trend started in proper with Vine). As such, I don't predict that there will an uptake of interest in reading among the youth anytime soon, their brains are just not wired for it these days. The proliferation of e-readers makes this even less likely, you can now have a device read a book for you. Technology can be a blessing and a curse.

LastManStanding says...


I am honestly distrusting of the banner year forecasts for tourism in 2023 as well; most of these people are paying for their trips on credit and the Fed is going to continue to raise interest rates until a recession is triggered. The spending bubble is due to pop at some point, just nobody is sure of exactly when.

LastManStanding says...

Wondering now how many Bahamian public figures will have to return those generous "donations", and if we will see any getting flown out soon. Simple fact is that Bahamians are going to get thrown under the bus first, even though US political figures are just as guilty of taking "donations" from this guy.

LastManStanding says...

> Though Dr Minnis declined to give any solutions to the issue at this time


LastManStanding says...

Might not happen if interest rates keep getting hiked. The spending bubble is eventually going to pop.

On 'Historic' year for tourism ahead

Posted 21 December 2022, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I know of a couple cases where the government has funded a student's overseas education only to have them get residency abroad and never return home. Most of our national debt is the result of sheer stupidity.

LastManStanding says...

DV perpetrated by a female might sound jokey, but I know of women who will throw pots, pans, knives, and whatever else they can find at their husbands when they are ready. Nothing you can do in that situation other than leave, any attempt at self defense will probably land you in court.

It obviously had to have been something serious for him to jump out of a moving vehicle.

LastManStanding says...

Agreed 100%.

LastManStanding says...

Tbh there is no reason that anyone with the financial capacity to do so should not own a backup generator at this point. The power hasn't suddenly just started going off this year/decade/century.