Comment history

LastManStanding says...

The ignorance of Bahamian voters in continuing to vote for the FNM and PLP poses a mortal threat to the survival of this nation.

LastManStanding says...

I'm not a monarchist by any means, but I don't think life would be a single bit worse under direct rule from a King (just using that as an example). While democratic forms of governance go as far back as ancient Greece, modern democracy as we know it is a product of the Enlightenment; many great empires existed prior to that point in time.

I don't think our problem is having a democratic form of government per se, but that our nation is not mature enough to have that kind of government (hence the protracted transformation into a third world banana republic that we are currently witnessing). A democratic form of government requires individuals that are willing to conduct themselves with integrity and sacrifice personal gain in the name of common good. Using the United States as an example, John Adams clearly said that the Constitution was designed for a godly and moral people. The same principle applies here, and our dire shortage of godly and moral leaders is why our political system will continue to break down until there is reform or collapse.

On Implications of Warnock’s Georgia win

Posted 11 December 2022, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I briefly thought SBF was a cooked goose until the ties with Ukraine and bigwig politicians in the US became public. Notice how Bahamian media outlets have given this story far more coverage than US ones; the "cabal" isn't going to get rid of one their own.

LastManStanding says...

I really don't care anymore; this country is doomed and anyone with an ounce of foresight has seen it for a long time. I just do my best to survive and prepare for the standards of living to continue to decline.

Hot take of the day : Bahamians will vote the PLP out for lying and tiefin in another couple of years and put the FNM back in only to vote them out after another term for lying and tiefin and put the PLP back in. There, I saved you 10 years worth of news articles.

LastManStanding says...

Bahamian voters literally voted in the exact same PLP that they voted out 4.5 years prior to the election; you are going to be extremely disappointed if you are hoping for a political solution lol.

LastManStanding says...

Biden is most certainly not "far-left", just as Trump is most certainly not "far-right". The US is a one party state with the Dems being the "inner party" and the GOP being the "outerparty" to borrow an Orwell-ism. The governing ideology of both parties is a fusion of neo-liberalism on domestic issues, corporatism on economic ones, and neo-con warhawkish views on foreign policy. The dissdent right and left in America are both suppressed because the ruling party wants no alternatives to crop up, just like here where any alternative to the single party that is the FNM and PLP is suppressed. It is all kabuki theater for the blind and gullible to keep the masses entertained while the country is raped.

On Implications of Warnock’s Georgia win

Posted 10 December 2022, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I agree with you that Biden is most certainly not "far-left", but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on how Jesus would be on the "far-left" (considering the limitations of measuring political ideologies on a 2D left-right scale in the first place).

On Implications of Warnock’s Georgia win

Posted 10 December 2022, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Nothing will happen, everything will be swept under the rug and the masses will forget about this as the next "current thing" is in the headlines.

LastManStanding says...

More hot air.

On Surveys begin over shanty towns issue

Posted 30 November 2022, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

And what is your source for that?