Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Gubermint has money to piss away on Moncur and Egypt though lol. Bunch of clowns.

LastManStanding says...

What you write about the shift to investment properties following the come-uppance of VRBO and AirBnB is true, but the government benefits tremendously from the tax collected on that revenue as well.

LastManStanding says...

This is a global phenomenon and nothing unique to here. I think what makes our situation unique is that the informal economy is still very prominent here and a lot of people on the Family Islands are self employed in shaky economies, making loans a lot riskier. It is a self perpetuating cycle : banks do not want to give out risky loans, so they require more put down up front, which then puts housing further out of reach for working class individuals/families that are already barely managing to come up with the deposit.

Our economic system needs a complete overhaul, this issue is merely a symptom of a far greater problem.

LastManStanding says...

Well, the housing and rental situation is honestly no better overseas either. Rent in any major North American city is just as bad, if not worse, as here; same situation for working class people with being unable to afford closing costs or save up for a deposit as well. Immigration crunching the markets in those big cities does not help buyers or renters either.

The real problem is that most people in general are fiscally illiterate and do not understand how their wealth has been stolen from them. The purchasing power of the dollar has done nothing but decline for the past century, and wages have not kept up with inflation. History is a big circle and we are now going back to feudalist/serfdom times where owning land will be all but a dream for everyone but the top 10% of society. It won't get any better.

LastManStanding says...

> Ms Deveaux defended her running of the House of Assembly. “I’m bringing decorum and respect back to the floor,” she said.

If by "bringing decorum and respect back to the floor" you mean turning the House into the straw market, then yes, I agree.

LastManStanding says...

The fact that SBF is not in Fox Hill right now speaks volumes about how this is going to play out.

LastManStanding says...

Plenty of dreams for sale these days.

On Fund set up to help climate-hit nations

Posted 22 November 2022, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Lol. These people stay selling dreams.

On BOB chief: Bahamas ‘long way from default’

Posted 22 November 2022, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Fool and their money, tale as old as time. Lawyers here will be very happy to rob him to entertain his dreams.

Knowing the names involved in this transaction, I'm not surprised that it ended up this way. A bunch of time wasted that could have easily been saved had Kovats been shown the door the minute he refused to put down a performance bond.

LastManStanding says...

John Ray was the man who cleaned up in the aftermath of Enron many years ago; if he says its bad, its probably worse than any of us can imagine. A whole lot of dirt is for sure is going to come to the light from this.