Comment history

LastManStanding says...

100% going to be extradited. The scandal is growing too big to cover up at this point. Possible that he might get the Seth Rich treatment when the story falls out of public consciousness, he knows too many names.

LastManStanding says...

Translation from gubermint speak to proper English is : he came here, we just don't want to admit it so will just say we "cant confirm".

LastManStanding says...

Please stop pissing away our money, Abaco literally has roads that look like Iraq in some parts due to the sheer amount of potholes.

On PM defends Govt travel spending

Posted 17 November 2022, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Speaks volumes that SBF is currently not in Fox Hill.

LastManStanding says...

I think that the problem is people viewing crypto as a stock instead of an actual currency (or collection of currencies, more precisely). Changing BSD into Bitcoin, Etherum, Monero, etc. is no different than changing into USD, GBP, or EUR. The world of crypto used to be relegated to those who knew about Silk Road and other dark web marketplaces that primarily used Bitcoin for payment, but get rich quick stories of some dude who mined 100 Bitcoin on his GPU over a decade ago made everyone think it was the next gold rush, and along came the crapcoins to scam fools who thought they could replicate the stumbled upon success of others. I laugh when people say that crypto is a "scam" simply because each coin is simply a currency, there is nothing inherently good or bad about it. You exchange fiat into crypto the same way that you do USD or EUR. Crypto is a lot more volatile than traditional investments like stocks, bonds, or real estate, but it was never designed to necessarily be an investment in the first place. The idea of regulating crypto runs counter to the entire purpose of it as a matter of fact, which was decentralization of currency away from central banks. Besides, financial games can be played with fiat as well, see Black Wednesday in the UK for an example.

The demonization of "crypto" as a whole (and the tech behind it in particular) is still baffling to me. It is a gamble to invest into, as we all are seeing right now, but so are traditional investments. Plenty people have killed themselves over housings busts and stock market crashes. BSD would collapse over night if we ever lost peg to the USD (granted, there is an extremely slim, but nonzero, chance of that happening atm). Basic rules for gambling apply to any investment whether it be crypto, stocks, real estate etc. : don't gamble more than you can afford to lose.

LastManStanding says...

I find it great that Davis is far away, and wish that the rest of the PLP and FNM would follow suit and never come back.

LastManStanding says...

The cynical side of me says zero because he has connections and is part of the right tribe to ever avoid taking responsibility for criminal actions.

LastManStanding says...

> "Everybody knew crypto vakuation has very little linkage to any equally valued underlying asset"

Wait until you find out what fiat currency is linked to lol. Cryptocurrency is a commodity like any other, it is simply an item. The FTX collapse had nothing to do with cryptocurrency and everything to do with complete mismanagement of client funds and a bank run that exposed it. Many banks have collapsed from the same exact scheme, I don't get why so many people are trashing crypto when this collapse has nothing to do with crypto at all.

LastManStanding says...

Yes, they will go unchecked.

On 'Shanty towns will not go unchecked forever’

Posted 12 November 2022, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Government shouldn't be in the business of buying hotels. Arguably one of the dumbest moves made by the Minnis administration.

On EDITORIAL: Double blow to economic hopes

Posted 9 November 2022, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal