Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Our country is becoming an international disgrace. Between the begging and murders, we are turning into a clownshow in the eyes of the international community.

On PM: Climate issues will only get worse

Posted 9 November 2022, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

We have always been a nation for sale; Bahamians know it, most just don't care.

LastManStanding says...

It is a cultural virus that is being imported from the United States. Sadly, I expect this kind of occurrence is going to become more common as racial tensions in the US come to a head.

LastManStanding says...

I would call a priest immediately if I ever had to depend upon the Bahamian government for medical care.

On Doctors alarm at outsourcing plan

Posted 31 October 2022, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I don't know why Bahamians still expect any better at this point. Governments from both parties have told us loud and clear that they are going to boongie us out of every nickel and dime they can to live large, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Barring major institutional reform, the Bahamian people have no power to hold governments accountable for their actions.

LastManStanding says...

The Westminster system requires politicians with integrity to function correctly, something our nation sorely lacks.

LastManStanding says...

This article is complete drivel. No one is forcing Haitians to come to this country illegally (and work illegally in many cases), steal land water and electricity, build a shack without a permit, and then cry as if they are victims. Try that crap in Haiti and let me know how well the people there receive you.

LastManStanding says...

It sure is not Christ-like to come to another mans country illegally, steal land that you do not own, and then build a home without any of the proper documentation, and then pretend that you are the victimized ones. Stop blaspheming Christ to justify evil.

LastManStanding says...

Tear it down. There wouldn't be a single word of discussion if a Bahamian was building a home without a permit on land that they did not own. Our governments are too beholden to foreign interests to ever be effective in resolving the domestic problems that we face.

LastManStanding says...

Everyone and their potcake knew exactly what the PLP was when we voted them out in a landslide 5.5 years ago, yet Bahamians saw it fit to vote in the exact same people that they had just kicked out. Why is anyone surprised? More importantly, when will Bahamians give a third party a chance? Can't keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.