Comment history

LastManStanding says...

I can understand disabling commenting on the legal matters, but it seems as if all but the headline stories are locked these days. They aren't the first to do this though, this is a regular occurrence with the CBC in particular. The effect is much more pronounced in this country though because there aren't many forums for discussing Bahamian issues in a semi-anonymous manner in the first place.

LastManStanding says...

This war would have never happened had the likes of Nuland and Blinken minded their own business and not overthrown the legitimately elected Yanukovych goverment of Ukraine. There is no way that anyone with sound mental faculties could expect Russia to allow a hostile puppet regime to be set up on its borders and not intervene. The same group are back in power in the US and they will get the WWIII that they are looking for; I hope they are ready for it.

If you really want to dig deeper into this conflict, read up on the Odessa Trade House massacre. There is a whole lot of backstory to this conflict that is not being touched upon because the people who own the media have an agenda that they are trying to push; this situation did not develop overnight. The only person better than the media at lying and hiding the truth is the devil himself.

On PM defends remarks in UN address

Posted 30 September 2022, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I mean, I'm pretty sure that they probably perform crime scene forensics in these cases. There has to be a report drawn up for these kinds of incidents and I'm sure all of that is documented.

Body cameras should be standard imo, would remove all doubt about the situation.

LastManStanding says...

A lot of businesses in this country still do not even accept credit cards as a form of payment, much less Sand Dollars.

On ‘Free’ Sand Dollars to give currency lift

Posted 29 September 2022, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Your premise is a bit flawed in the sense that someone doesn't need to discharge a firearm to be considered an active threat. Simply having a gun pointed at you is more than enough reason to be in fear for your life and justify the use of deadly force.

LastManStanding says...

The EU is nothing more than a vassal of the US at this point, and the little economic and political independence that it had is now gone thanks to the economic suicide that they have brought upon themselves for the past six months. Talk to the people in charge and not to the jokers who pretend that they have some influence on what goes on in the world. The EU will soon have much more pressing matters to worry about as winter approaches anyways; freezing to death is a much bigger concern than harassing us.

On Bahamas must decide if ‘to hell with’ the EU

Posted 27 September 2022, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Yeah, I would think that it would lose most of it's value considering that Dorian destroyed practically everything in the community.

Kovats is a joker and I said from the beginning that it was a waste of time even entertaining someone who would not put down a performance bond. That being said, I don't think that selling Treasure Cay to a committee is a good idea either. Plenty of questions as to who is going to be in charge and where the money to develop it will come from. Treasure Cay is dead in the water at this point as far as I can see.

On Homeowners: Treasure Cay value down by half

Posted 27 September 2022, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Not that I disagree with the gist of your comment, but most wealthy individuals are born into it. Success stories are rare and few, and people can still fail at their goals despite trying their best.

LastManStanding says...

The Bahamas is starting to develop an international reputation for this crap. It needed to stop a long time ago.

LastManStanding says...

I think that a lot of this is a moot point in the sense that marriage as an institution is on life support at this moment. Marriage rates are the lowest that they have ever been since recording started, and I see nothing that indicates the downward trend will reverse any time soon.