Comment history

LastManStanding says...

No where did I see anything about slashing government spending which is a must if the financial situation is ever going to be improved. The IMF will do it if Bahamian governments are too afraid to.

LastManStanding says...

You should be well informed enough to know that businesses in this country pay license fees on GROSS revenue and not NET like literally every other part of the world does. Too bad if your business records a loss for that year, it is time to pay up; government needs money for their five star hotels and first class plane tickets abroad.

Regarding an income tax, are you really naive enough to believe that poor people are not going to pay that as well? This was the same exact argument used to bring income tax to America, that poor people would not have to pay anything. Fast forward a 100+ years and we clearly see that was a bunch of baloney. Are there even any wealthy Bahamians left that are not politically connected? Do you really think that the numbers boys will have to pay? The quality of your posts here suggest that you really cannot be naive enough to believe that there will not be any tomfoolery going on.

We need to starve this monster, not keep feeding it.

On Gov’t hit over VAT assistance delays

Posted 14 September 2022, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Bahamians must love this treatment though, because they sure go to the polls every election to reelect the same exact people doing the same exact foolishness.

I did not vote for the PLP or FNM last election, and will not vote for either in the foreseeable future barring a massive "come to Jesus" moment for one or both. I have zero idea why anyone would continue to vote for these proven failures knowing full well that they are never going to do anything different. Guess that fried chicken and rum at those rallies must taste real good.

LastManStanding says...

Some people definitely did die from COVID, but I absolutely do not trust the governments numbers considering that 1.) there was never any distinction between death FROM or with covid and 2.) that there is a financial incentive to label deaths as related to COVID. My comment was more snark towards the notion that all of us who refused the clotshot would be dead by now and that the famous "winter of death" was coming to kill us almost a year ago.

As an aside, the whole COVID debacle will go down in history as one of the worst international embarrassments known to man. I vividly remember all the people who wanted to throw those of us who refused the clotshot in prison, or have us go bankrupt. I actually had someone wish that I catch COVID and die because I refused it. Sadly, those people will never reflect on how wrong they were and and are now trying to memory hole everything that happened last year. I will not forget.

On Seven more die from COVID

Posted 13 September 2022, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Wow. They are still trying to push this hoax? Still waiting on that "winter of death" that is supposed to reach any day now.

On Seven more die from COVID

Posted 13 September 2022, midnight Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

The East African slave trade was just as big, the Arabs were simply smart enough to castrate the ones that they took. You are also completely ignoring the fact that kingdoms such as the Dahomey were built entirely off of the Transatlantic slave trade; you need to go ask Benin for reparations as well if you are going to beg the UK. The slave trade was a business with buyers and sellers.

On Obie Wilchcombe: We must seek reparations

Posted 12 September 2022, 11:56 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

It is not a black and white choice between FPTP and pure PR. We can easily have a STV or ranked choice system, which I think would help third parties gain representation at some point.


Posted 12 September 2022, 11:51 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Complete waste of money, they could have easily been cleaned and stored in reserve just in case another hurricane strikes. I thought it was a very stupid idea to buy them in the first place, but might as well have put them to good use since we are stuck with them.

On Govt: Domes had to be demolished

Posted 12 September 2022, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

My biggest hangup with the whole marital rape issue is the fact that no one has explained how an accusation is supposed to be handled. Everything that I have seen so far suggests that a man is supposed to be thrown in prison for decades just because a woman says so. How can you be in a marriage and have him "rape" you for years on end? It is not like the divorce courts are favourable to men in any way, so why not divorce him and get child support, alimony, the house, etc.? For as much as the anti-clericalists of our country love to accuse the religious segments of emotionalism and wishful thinking, it sure seems that they are as guilty of the same as I have not seen anyone explain to me in a logical manner the process of how a case of marital rape is supposed to be handled from the accusation to imprisonment. Come up with a detailed process instead of spouting meaningless platitudes.

While we are talking about "gender equality", why are men paying child support and unable to see their kids in some cases? Why are men paying alimony in the 21st century when women can easily find employment and take care of themselves? Why are pre-marital assets now being touched by divorce courts? It sure seems that a lot of the "equality" activists have a hard bias in favour of one sex. Some animals are more equal than others I guess.

LastManStanding says...

Why bother holding a referendum? It is quite clear that our opinion wont be respected anyways.


Posted 10 September 2022, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal