Comment history

Major_Pain says...
Major_Pain says...

On Auditor under fire for ‘unfair’ report

Posted 16 April 2015, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

The average Bahamian can see Bahmar and what they are not allowed to use, unlike Atlantis which is behind walls and over a bridge.

On Baha Mar ‘won’t open before June’

Posted 14 April 2015, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

Why do you people care? You won't be able to use their Casino, Beaches, or Pools. lol. Vote FNM and PLP though, that worked out good for you so far.

On Baha Mar ‘won’t open before June’

Posted 14 April 2015, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

Democrats are bottom feeding hoodrats that scrounge off the government and expect everyone else to pay for them - are you one of those??

Major_Pain says...

Sabotage you moron. And their supporters work there so they can do anything they want. They are terrorist scum, they don't follow the law. They will try to destroy this country anyway they can. WAKE UP.

Major_Pain says...

Power comes before everything else - so yes, terrorists will destroy the power given the chance, before the telephone (which can easily be replaced). And stopping transportation from Florida will not exactly destroy the country - it's a big world you know.

Major_Pain says...

And yet Minnis is the one that says he will not debate. LOL.

On Minnis: PM trying to suppress speech

Posted 14 April 2015, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

In a perfect world this could be a good idea, but there are some Cubans in Miami that are hell bent on destroying the Bahamas - so no thanks.

Major_Pain says...

all the robbery videos every other day in the Bahamas, and you chose something from a weave store?