Comment history

Major_Pain says...

Snore :-(

On Power from Florida in $1bn plan by DNA

Posted 12 April 2015, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

You don't need outside help, but you do need more education. Why are cops so stupid? Why do they have the mental capacity of a 5 year old? Your Facebook page for example, you have a policeman posting in ghetto slang - "Coropral" Pratt. And it's not by accident, that is obviously how they talk. They don't even spell corporal properly. If you want to be taken serious, educate yourself, for the love of god. OR at the very least let someone with basic education handle your Facebook page, Website, etc. ~ MAJOR

Major_Pain says...

Cops in the Bahamas are just clueless, that is why so many cases are unsolved.

Major_Pain says...

Bulldozing ghettos is a step in the right direction. All ghetto areas need to be bulldozed. Don't stop at just one abandoned building, flatten the whole nasty smelly god forsaken ghetto. And make those "young men": you talk about, do the bulldozing. At the very least they could be made to clean up the piles of trash.

Major_Pain says...

Have you seen the dumb cops on Bay Street? They stand in the middle of the road on a corner, around the bend, and when a car almost hits them due to it being a blind corner, they stop the car and try to give them a ticket or tell the driver to drive safer - meanwhile it is their f-cking fault. The cops here are so stupid they don't even realize they are causing the near accidents. When it comes to road traffic law enforcement, f-ck the police. Outside of that they got my support, and with road traffic they would get my support if they knew what the f-ck they were doing, and if they did it right. But they don't, and they wont, so f-ck them and their dumb asses.

Major_Pain says...

Those are not the type of cameras used for that sort of application. In fact, since the FNM retards had a bunch of dumb foreign fucks from the Cayman Islands install them, they probably can barely make out the type or color of vehicle, let alone the license plate at high speed, especially at night - that's if the camera even works to begin with, since they depend on BEC, BTC, and the RBPF, plus the thousands of dollars you and the Bahamian public have to pay each time they call the dummies from the Cayman islands to come down here, stay in a 5 star resort, and CLEAN the camera after every rainfall. The FNM juiced you good.

Major_Pain says...

The local cops idea of "speeding" is 32mph. LOL

And RIP to the poor soul that lost his life.

Major_Pain says...

There is some tracking software you can install on your laptop. Do a google search for free keylog software, or free spy software - they have it for Windows and Mac. There is also software for smart phones but they usually cost a monthly fee. Once setup, you can "spy" on your laptop/phone from anywhere in the world. So if someone steals it - depending on which software you installed - you could turn on the webcam, plus track their every move online. The phone spy software lets you even listen in on their calls (eg. ~ MAJOR.

On Man robbed of cell phone at gunpoint

Posted 12 April 2015, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

Other clowns that should be sued = Ingraham, Symonette, Minnis, Butler Turner, and the list goes on. Pretty much all the effin emm retards, including their dumb clueless supporters.

On FNM chairman is sued by PM

Posted 12 April 2015, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Major_Pain says...

The General has left us for a while - he is on extended Vacation.

On FNM chairman is sued by PM

Posted 12 April 2015, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal