Comment history

MartGM says...

mannn...BEC please don't do it!! Chile...if this government don't want experience a mass revolution and overthrow of government today, they need to respond ASAP!

MartGM says...

Sun, sand, sea and jungelus...and when Lady P becomes Governor General we can add Pretty hats to the list.

On Christie: Tourism still posts gains

Posted 5 June 2012, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

and we call the out islanders backward...

On Lionfish cook-off at conch festival

Posted 5 June 2012, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Tobacco is known to cause harm to the body, not many will dispute that. Many will dispute the ramifications gambling can cause a society. When we stop calling ourselves a "Christian society", gambling will be legalized. The churches make far too much profit off of the Bahamian public to ever willingly give up that "Christian society" name tag. Hence, we're in for a long uphill battle. I also have a sneaky suspicion that the number houses like the unregulated business. They enjoy working on the black market because no one is watching them. No one is asking them to pay anything and they're making exorbitant profits. The people don't even care that much, because the police don't have time to waste on raiding number houses. So what's the incentive to legalize again? It appears the incentive is only for the government who has bigger fish to fry.

On Tax stamps for tobacco products

Posted 5 June 2012, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

lol!!!! It's better to say nothing and let people believe you're a fool instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt. Mr. Miller should take note

MartGM says...

um...Cable Bahamas has farrrrrr superior internet services than BTC. They're also pretty decent with customer support. Whenever my internet is out for lets say more than 2 days, I get a reimbursement (mostly because I ask for one). Unlike BTC, when you call you don't get transferred to someone living in St. Lucia or one of the other Caribbean support is right here on the island and you speak to people, not machines!

On BTC apologises for network issues

Posted 5 June 2012, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

smt, No matter what Mr. Miller says, it will never be okay to call any Bahamian, the very people you're representing, stupid! Out of It was better off he left it than tried to explain it. He's digging an even bigger hole. Let it rest.

MartGM says...

What's this...murder #62 now. I see I need to invest in a bullet proof vest because everybody walking around with a gun!

On Man killed in parking lot shooting

Posted 4 June 2012, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

yup, there would be additionally taxes. The Bahamas has been needing to revamp its tax system for a while now. So sad it has to be done during a time when we're all struggling.

On Implement VAT as 'matter of urgency'

Posted 23 May 2012, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

If there's one thing that really vexes Bahamians it's anyone speaking inaccurate nonfactual information bout the Bahamas. it's nice to see us all rallying behind this. With that said, I'm not one for all the name calling and just mean words some persons used to describe her (some comments were really cruel). She made a major journalistic mistake in writing such an article...but no need to completely rip her to shreds and tell her stuff like "go find out what c*** means and carry yours" a little inappropriate!