Comment history

MartGM says...

try They're also on facebook (Old Bahamas).

MartGM says...

ohh WOW...three fires one after the other. Thank God no one was hurt!

On Apartments destroyed by fire

Posted 8 June 2012, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...


MartGM says...

This is so interesting. I voted in the Ft. Charlotte Constituency...Mr. Rollins should really be the LAST person to discuss vote buying. I'm not to sure what constitutes as vote buying, but if it includes paying utility bills of your constituents, discretely handing out money at events in the area, or pulling out your wallet on the day of election...taking money out...and giving it to constituents (perhaps these are all legitimate forms of assisting the poor poor poor people of ft. charlotte and totally wrong)...then I suggest this back bencher say no more on this matter. BTW, I was wondering why on that very very hot day, he was walking around in his plp jacket...can anybody help me out with an answer mmmmmmmmmm

MartGM says...

kind of interesting that you say that. It appears the Tribune decided to pursue him as most of these comments were made on his Twitter page...

MartGM says...

lol @ "no charge for the lesson."

On Easy teacher v hard teacher

Posted 7 June 2012, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Not just the parents. Charge these bars/clubs with selling to minors. If this young man was asked for an ID he would not be allowed in the the place!

On Second death after club shooting

Posted 7 June 2012, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

smt, this is what is being discussed in the HOA. Real issues next time. Thanks!

MartGM says...

Uh huh…I hope he knows that if he wears a condom he sitting in the same unsaved boat! SMT!

MartGM says...

Very well said! Urban Renewal can be a great project, if the above research is done!! I always wondered why the PLP didn't bother to even continue their form of Urban Renewal in their constituencies (considering the most needed centers are in PLP grassroots strong holds).