Comment history

MartGM says...

Is that the best picture you could find of Mr. Gibson, Tribune...

MartGM says...

I have to disagree with you Arob. Having traveled quite a bit (and knowing only a little of Spanish and French), it's always refreshing to find someone who speaks your language. I spent a part of my degree studies in Europe and those students know at minimum 2 languages (their own and English). That's a PLUS in any job market. In the tourism industry you must be well versed in a foreign language(s). Furthermore it's proven that learning languages increases your capacity to think analytically...and well you will more than likely earn more money knowing a second language.

Yes people enjoy learning new things while they travel...but language barriers can be more of a frustration and less of a good experience.

MartGM says...

Favorite Ms. Stubbs quote: "That means to say that the prison is slack" (commenting on allegations against her son giving orders for persons to be killed while he's still in prison)

On 'My son is not ordering hits from prison'

Posted 12 June 2012, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

I fully agree! Not sure if that was a typo "Fox Hell" but you're absolutely correct. They need to go to Fox Hell!!!!

MartGM says...

The honesty in this is very interesting. You acknowledge that gambling destroys families, yet you want to encourage this family destroying behavior? I'm all for allowing people the right to freely choose what they want and don't want for themselves. But you should be the one advocating for gambling in a way that presents the benefits not the detriments to society. I'm beyond astonished that you'd be willing to "work with churches to educate Bahamians on why they shouldn't gamble..." Maybe you're just a very honest individual and I'm not at all speaking against your honesty. However, there is a better way to explain your point. Explaining that you pay your utility bills and NIB is not helping your point. Instead it explains you're an upstanding citizen... except for the fact that you own illegal number houses that you intend to legalise...and these number houses will destroy families and ruin the lives of tens of thousands of Bahamians. Thanks Mr. Bastian!!

On Legalise gambling

Posted 11 June 2012, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

ohhh wow...these dogs really need to be put out of their misery. Maybe they're rabid dogs. Whatever the case...this is happening to often. Get the humane society down there to pick up these dogs and put them to sleep. They're dangerous!

On Another tourist is attacked by dogs

Posted 11 June 2012, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Mrs. Nicolls you're very right!!

MartGM says...

well just a short while before they posted this, there was a public interest story about a free coaching clinic by Sam Nicholls. I do understand what you're saying...but I think the Tribune does a pretty good job of switching between positive and depressing news stories.

Btw...a good ad on would be a news ticker at the top or bottom of the screen of the Tribune's site. I think the Guardian online has on, but they don't use it too effectively because it's not updated as often as it should.

MartGM says...

uh one's collected my garbage in like a week. I can recall maybe two years ago our garbage was collected twice a week. Now it's so sporadic, they may come every other week. I'm all for paying for garbage collection. Tax me to have my garbage collected twice a week please. I'm so tired of hoping today's the day they'll collect my garbage smt.

MartGM says...

So what if he's an ex cop! There are many ex cops out there who prolly need protection from criminals they helped put away who are probably out on bail now...they should get guns too? Should every retired or ex police officer be issued a hand gun????? Furthermore, Bell's been an ex cop for years...why, all of a sudden, does he need a hand gun?? Mr. Christie needs to seriously get a hold of these people before they further embarrass him.

On Shop owners applyIng for guns

Posted 8 June 2012, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal