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MartGM says...


MartGM says...

The monk in question was scheduled to leave long before any allegations were made against him. He is now in the country he's from and any issues with him will be addressed there...hopefully. To my knowledge, there was no abuse. There was an alleged relationship between two consenting homosexual adults. It is quite sad that people hide behind religion. Don't muddy the Catholic name. If you want to be with a man or a woman then do the honorable thing and step down!

On Monks do not face probe

Posted 28 June 2012, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Tribune please correct: "...Mrs Reckley does not **has** the appropriate..." to "...Mrs Reckley does not **have** the appropriate...

Whether she was politically appointed or not won't matter. What does matter is that she is a former Assistant Secretary General for the PLP and a worked as PLP campaign manager during the elections. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and floats like a's a usually a duck. It may be true that she was chosen because of what she has to offer, but no one will believe that!

MartGM says...

The cost, the international repercussions, and the time far out way any benefit to the Bahamian people. Leave BTC alone! In this country, our last concern should be BTC. Unemployment is through the roof especially for young people. The cost of living is increasing while salaries for the most part remain the same. Crime is out of control and it seems no one can get a hold on it. We have the highest incidence of Breast Cancer in the world and we have NO idea how to combat this. This only the tip of iceberg of our problems...and we want to discuss selling BTC. Get real Bahamas! We're looking at a scrape on the surface when we've got cancerous cells all over the body of the Bahamas. Focus on the REAL problems...the scrapes will heal themselves.

MartGM says...

And police are needed to tear down dilapidated homes and play dominoes with the boys on the blocks. These same homes were here for years on end and only NOW they see a need to remove them. BS! You obviously don't live in an inner city community. A community leader could get through to some young gang banger faster than any police officer for the mere fact that they're respected...and in the inner city police get NO respect!

MartGM says...

I don't think anyone here is "shooting down good deeds." The major point is you don't need a police to tear down a home. Most of these communities have community leaders. Through the Urban Renewal initiative, those community leaders can be in charge of that. Why remove police from where they're needed?

I have no political affiliation. I give right where I feel right is needed. Police Officers don't belong in Urban Renewal. Community leaders and other member of the civic society belong there! If you need to call in a police or two to help every so often, then fine...but they shouldn't be the central focus.

MartGM says...

This is simply amazing! When the man said, "Once the area is cleared up the community will be safer and it will be a more positive environment to live in, definitely" I thought, this man just drank the poison kool-aid this administration is giving away. I don't understand how one can instantly equate safety to removal of derelict buildings. We have become a society of mindless yes-men who question nothing and agree with everything the government throws our way. Yes, removal of old run-down buildings are a factor in crime reduction, but not the ONLY factor! You don't tear down buildings today and see crime reduce by 30% tomorrow.

I agree with the general ideology behind Urban Renewal, but I strongly disagree with the amount of police officers needed for this initiative. The same civilians Nottage wants to put in the station can work at the Urban Renewal offices. if you want to remove homes and clean up the neighborhoods, fine...but why do police officers (and soon defence force officers) need to do it??

Civilians would do a better job if only for the mere fact that people feel more comfortable around their own. They can go and speak freely to civilians working with Urban Renewal. I doubt the same will be felt with uniformed police officers. SMT...

MartGM says...

For the most part, most Private schools have a requirement of atleast 20 hrs community service in order to graduate. Not to sure about the Government school requirements.

My only concern with this Diploma is that the criteria won't be anything to talk about. I don't want to get too excited knowing that the education system in the Bahamas continues to fail students time and time again. I'll feel more at ease when I see the criteria for this Diploma. This initiative was started in June 2012, I pray we don't hear about it again in April 2017!

Mr. Fritzgerald is doing a commendable job and his goals are very realistic. It's only the beginning...let see where he goes from here!

MartGM says...

I await a document with the criteria for this diploma. Good job with the evening classes!! You're off to a commendable start. I hope this continues throughout your five year tenure.

MartGM says...

He didn't say 500 murders. He said "500 per pop." I feel like that's street lingo for "500 per head (person)"