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MrsQ says...

The second dose for the Astra Zeneca vaccine is given between 8 and 12 weeks after the first dose. It's only been 5 weeks since the first tranche of doses arrived in the country. In the press conference she gave yesterday, Dr. Dahl-Regis stated that those who have received the first dose will definitely receive the second dose. They will receive an email notification when it's time to schedule their second shot.

MrsQ says...

Absolutely. The idea that Joe Biden or any American president spends any time worrying about the Bahamas is laughable. There are much bigger fish to fry on the world stage.

MrsQ says...

With regard to the COVID rates going up in spite of vaccinations, correlation does not equal causation. In the U.S. and in many of the countries where vaccinations are occurring, other COVID protocols such as mask mandates and restricting crowds have been relaxed, which of course will lead to an increase in the infection rate. When people stop wearing masks and social distancing before herd immunity is reached, an increase in infections, hospitalizations, and deaths is to be expected. In order to achieve herd immunity, 70-80% of a country's population must be fully vaccinated. Just as an example, as of right now, the number of fully vaccinated Americans is about 25%. Until that number triples, COVID protocols should remain in place to stop the rise in infection rates.

MrsQ says...

Maybe they should try properly refrigerating their food and not selling expired products. I've had to throw away countless dollars worth of food that has gone bad well before its expiration date.

MrsQ says...

The Tribune needs to stop referring to the vaccination process as a "jab." Grown-ups use the term "injection."

MrsQ says...

Not if you don't greatly increase testing and contact tracing.

On 'We can wage COVID war without lockdowns'

Posted 10 November 2020, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

MrsQ says...

Idiot Trump shot himself in the foot when he told his cult that they shouldn't trust vote by mail. Democrats' mail-in ballots are what killed him. Thank God.

MrsQ says...

This country could absolutely be doing more to improve its tourism. How many years has downtown Nassau been decaying the way it has? There need to be more activities and cultural experiences. People can have a nice beach anywhere in the Caribbean or even in Florida. Also, the people panicking about Cuba don't realize that Cuban hotels and resorts don't typically offer an experience that meets American standards. I have traveled to a lot of places and met a lot of Canadians (a huge percentage of tourists in Cuba) who have told me what it's like to travel to Cuba. Even they say the food isn't very good and the facilities are not as comfortable.

MrsQ says...

Biden's already doing more than Trump has. He is forming a task force to combat the COVID-19 crisis. By contrast, Trump eliminated the National Security Council's pandemic unit:…

MrsQ says...

You mean the "evidence" in the dossier that was proven to have come from a fake intelligence agency?…

Or do you mean the evidence Tucker Carlson supposedly had in the package that "disappeared" but was quickly located by UPS? And he only thought to keep one copy of this earth-shattering evidence that would destroy Biden? Even Tucker dropped the story when he realized it could end up getting him sued for libel:…