Comment history

MrsQ says...

Guess you're threatened by facts. Trump's praise for Xi came directly from the horse's mouth. You could read his tweets and watch the video of press conferences where he said he felt Xi had the virus under control, but that wouldn't fit the false narrative you've bought from Fox and OAN.

MrsQ says...

Thank you for being a voice of reason. It's bewildering to me that so many comments are pro-Trump. If nothing else, his bungling of the COVID crisis should point out how disastrous his presidency has been for the United States and the rest of the world.

MrsQ says...

Read Trump's tweets that are quoted in the article.

MrsQ says...

The Chinese bank account explains why Trump repeatedly praised President Xi's handling of the virus:…

MrsQ says...

I would say that they'll learn the hard way, but it seems like these people never learn. If they would just wait to get the numbers down before they opened up tourism, it would not only save Bahamians' lives but it would help tourism in the long run. Our tourism industry is not helped by an out of control spread with overwhelmed hospitals and poorly communicated, inconsistent policies as to travel restrictions and which businesses will be open for tourists who come here.

MrsQ says...

They aren't even capable of doing contact tracing on the tests that are here. My husband tested positive for COVID three weeks ago. Since then, we have heard from the Ministry of Health exactly one time. (They said they would be contacting him multiple times.) When they called, they didn't even ask him whom he had been in contact with - just whether he had left the island or not. They told him that we should both begin quarantining (note they called about three days after he tested positive.) That was it.

MrsQ says...

Strange that tourists aren't champing at the bit to visit a country where the virus is raging out of control with hospitals and the morgue overflowing and poorly communicated and inconsistent lockdown policies from the government. Go figure.

MrsQ says...

There were also instances of Americans coming in without proper documentation of testing.

On Bahamas ranked low on response

Posted 28 October 2020, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

MrsQ says...

Exactly. The government seems to think that COVID discriminates and only Bahamians could have brought the virus home, while American tourists were not carriers also. The decision to open the borders on July 1st was disastrously irresponsible, just as the decision to encourage tourism starting November 1st will be also.

On Bahamas ranked low on response

Posted 28 October 2020, 1:22 a.m. Suggest removal

MrsQ says...

So, the fact that the COVID hotline told us that there were no beds available in local hospitals is fake news, then? And I guess the morgue being at quadruple capacity and Samaritan's Purse building a field hospital is part of the grand media conspiracy to ramp up fear for, as you say, "whatever reason?" Doctors and other health workers in the U.S. as well as locally are speaking out about the burnout they are experiencing from not being able to keep up with the overwhelming number of COVID patients in the hospitals, but I guess that's all part of the big scheme, too. And the leaders of countries all over the world have hatched a cunning plot to instill fear despite overwhelming economic damage that results in loss of tax revenue. How does that make any sense? Someone's been spun a yarn, pumpkin, and it ain't me.