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My2Cents says...

Agreed. Both parties allow politics and connections to determine who will run for office rather than selecting candidates with true vision and proven leadership and management capabilities. Totally with you on the ‘give our young people a chance’ notion pushed by many. There’s no reason why any party can’t find candidates with the life experience and talent necessary to be an effective lawmaker and representative. Making decisions on behalf of a country requires so much more than being well-spoken and generating excitement. Both parties continue to fail us in that regard, though one more so than the other.

My2Cents says...

This press conference was a disaster and one of the lowest points in this Administration’s history. I recall thinking to myself in the run up to the last election that Dr. Minnis isn’t qualified to be an effective MP, let alone PM. This press conference sealed the deal. I still respect him, but it’s obvious now as it was then that he lacks the leadership, judgement and decision-making capabilities you would expect in the leader of a country.
Mr. Christie would have done a far better job in his old age. Besides, our finances have only gotten worse, and that’s the only reason the county took a gamble on Dr. Minnis and the rest of the clown show.

My2Cents says...

I’m with you on that one. Imagine admitting to the nation you were afraid to make a decision in its best interest, which you had full authority to do under the emergency orders, and decided not to do so because you were afraid of the political fallout? Disgraceful. This is exactly why he avoids press conferences. Foot meets mouth every time.

My2Cents says...

Bahamasair shouldn’t be the only sacrificial lamb. The Public Service workforce in general has been bloated for years. Now is the time to make the difficult decisions needed to reduce the burdensome cost on the public purse. Our tax dollars are paying possibly hundreds of individuals who are simply not needed and are only collecting a salary. Cut the public service workforce by 10-20%. If private sector companies are forced to make these decisions, why shouldn’t the government when its billions of dollars in debt? Much of the salaries being paid amount to social welfare. Might as well reallocate that money to NIB and Social Services.

My2Cents says...

To be fair, the Tribune hasn’t been a beacon of journalism for quite some time now. Most of the pieces i typically come across are filled with quotes with very little context, push back, facts, subject matter expertise or inclusion of contradictory statements.

On Briland optimistic tourism will hold

Posted 23 July 2020, 6:42 a.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Great piece, Alicia. Lots of nuances to the debate over opening and closure of the borders, but there are certain key things everyone should be able to agree on and consider. It was never a smart idea to close the beaches and parks. Common sense tells you the benefits to the public far outweigh the minor risks associated with congregating, which could have been managed.
I was always puzzled by the fact that indoor dining and bars were allowed to open as early as they did, and why the vendors at Arawak Cay and Potter’s Cay dock are often targeted for closure as if they can’t safely provide takeout services like any other restaurant.

Lots of the decisions the government has made have not been based on science and mental health, but rather based on the advise of medical professionals pushing the same silly tropes about Bahamians not being able to behave or make wise decisions, as if we’re in kindergarten. Can’t wait for the educated youth and people with critical thinking skills like you and I to make decisions for this country.

My2Cents says...

All points made here by Davis are correct. There’s enough data to make the assumption that the vast majority, it not all the new cases, are due to the lax restrictions on Bahamians traveling to and from. It had virtually nothing to do with allowing American tourists to enter within the parameters outlined. That decision was clearly not science based and the most obvious blunder in the reopening.
Davis and Mitchell have made far better points on how to approach the reopening than the current administration.

My2Cents says...

“Fresh and innovative ideas” my behind. Another well-spoken empty-suit politician. Brought nothing to the table from Election Day. The clowns that make up the governing majority is laughable at best.

On Robinson promises to bring in fresh ideas

Posted 21 July 2020, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Churches need to be consulted for what reason? These religious leaders are delusional. There’s a deluge of information in the public forum regarding the virus. Do your part to stay informed and govern your organization accordingly.

On Christian Council calls for more clarity

Posted 21 July 2020, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

You reaching buddy. Pick another line of reasoning.

On D'Aguilar: Locals are to blame

Posted 21 July 2020, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal