Comment history

My2Cents says...

He is absolutely right. The spread in cases is almost solely related to Bahamians traveling to the US and returning within 72 hours, not requiring a test. Then came the community spread as they went to bars and large gatherings while not following safety protocols. This has nothing to do with US tourists coming into the country!
All those cases with a history of travel spread it to the other positive cases with no history of travel. Anyone telling you differently is telling you dead wrong.

On D'Aguilar: Locals are to blame

Posted 21 July 2020, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

How many of the recent cases in Grand Bahama related? Sounds like a super spreader, local or tourist. In any event, it still doesn’t justify closing the borders. Perhaps some tightening of restrictions is down the line for GB. Other than that, I see no cause for alarm. We knew what we were getting into and had no choice but to reopen.

On Nine new cases of COVID-19

Posted 18 July 2020, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

I agree with Mr. Mitchell 100%. The decision by the competent authority to close the beaches simply because he thought the Bahamian people would misbehave lead to this embarrassing incident. This statement has nothing to do with politics. Mitchell or Alfred Sears would definitely give Minnis a run for his money were they elected PLP party leader prior to the election.

My2Cents says...

He didn’t attribute the damage to the courts and their decision. He blamed the PM for making decisions without scientific or medical data and justification for doing so, which is exactly what he did with the holiday weekend beach closure. Read the article again.

My2Cents says...

Great news at a time we desperately need some!

My2Cents says...

Belinda Wilson would complain to the hills if the wind blew too hard for her liking. She has no credibility whatsoever. It’s a shame the nation’s teachers are being represented by such a contemptible figure.

On Problems? ‘Exams are going well’

Posted 15 July 2020, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Big deal! That’s the risk we took opening the border. Stop making a headline or press conference every time we have a new case. It’s causing the public to become paranoid for no reason and scream “close our borders” without understanding. Only one hospitalized case reported, and for the past few weeks there were none. If some don’t take the safely guidelines seriously, travel for leisure and get the virus, too bad for them!

Make it mandatory for any Bahamian or foreigner returning/arriving to have a negative PCR test regardless of the amount of hours spent abroad. Where are the promised ankle monitoring bracelets to keep track of those on mandatory quarantine? Where is the widespread random testing for the public Minnis promised months ago? Only a fool with money to waste will pay $200 for a test to find out their status if they’re not sick. Get a competent Minister or health and medical professionals to consult the government , cause this bunch is useless!

On Three new cases of COVID-19

Posted 14 July 2020, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Just as guidelines have been issued across the board for every industry or type of business, the same should have been done for restaurants once the request was received. If it’s safe for the Myers group to offer the service until 9, it should be safe for all other businesses in that field to do the same. Put right where right is!!!

My2Cents says...

These comments are so negative. It’s like you’re rooting for the country to fail and have your heads buried in the sand concerning our inability to survive with our borders closed for months on end. Our creditworthiness as a nation and the parity of the b$ with the dollar is in a very fragile state. Let’s hope for success and stop ranting about small things that don’t matter for just for the sake of complaining. Not one comment is about the ideas thrown out of our competitiveness in the region! Focus Bahamas, focus!

My2Cents says...

I’m with these ladies 100%. If I came here for the beaches and you closed it last minute after my arrangements were finalized, that’s too bad. I don’t care about the “one rule needs to apply to all” argument in this instance. They are our guests and if virtually everything else of interest is closed, then why come here? We need to be more concerned about our tourism brand and reputation and make common-sense exceptions, as that is where our bread is buttered. We would not have opened our borders if we didn’t need them. Treat guests with true hospitality.