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My2Cents says...

Agreed. Sure they did a hood job keeping confirmed cases and hospitalizations low, but it’s completely unacceptable that after 4 months, we don’t have a robust testing system is place and increased capacity for hospitalizations if we have a major outbreak!

How is it that Doctors Hospital already procured equipment that allows them to test up to 12K a month? Why couldn’t the govt do the same so that we can remain open, while performing rapid testing and contact tracing? Or even seize it under the emergency powers and pay them the value to acquire more? It’s BEYOND ridiculous in my opinion. A comprehensive reopening plan that left out the basics. Smt

My2Cents says...

Apart of reopening our borders was the expectation that we may have an increase of cases. This is not surprising. The key is to do what we can to minimize the spread. We CANNOT afford to close unless we want a devalued dollar and junk status credit rating as a result of us becoming a welfare state. This does not in any way warrant closing the borders or tightening restrictions locally!
Stop this nonsense about “close our borders”! If you’re terrified of getting the virus, stay your behind home!

My2Cents says...

Tough. That’s the consequence we knew we would face when deciding to open the borders. Don’t fw my freedoms by tightening curfews/restrictions because of this. Manage the risk effectively as you said you would.

On FRIDAY UPDATE: One new case of COVID-19

Posted 10 July 2020, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Is he nuts??? He “expects people to stay home” because the beaches are closed when virtually everything else is open?? This is what happens when we have a bunch of old heads in power pushing their old-fashioned, outdated views and mindset on the rest of the country!

My2Cents says...

Davis is absolutely right on this. I applaud Minnis and team for the job they’ve done so far to control the spread of the virus, but at this point it seems efforts are based on personal preferences/opinions or simply following whatever the US is doing. There’s no rationale whatsoever for closing the beaches on the holiday weekend. This is not kindergarten. The Bahamian people are not children. I’ve resisted comments to the effect of dictatorial behavior up to this point, but this unfortunately gives credence to that claim. Disgraceful

My2Cents says...

I had no idea COVID-19 prevented phones, emails, online video conferencing and other means of electronic communication from working. The lousyness and incompetence in this country knows no bounds...

On Commission to begin work again shortly

Posted 6 July 2020, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Doctor’s Hospital is charging approx $220 per test, but most insurance providers are only covering the cost if you’re showing symptoms and a medical professional deems a test necessary. That’s a lot of money to pay out of pocket, whether it’s because the destination you wish to travel to requires it, your employer suddenly requires that you take one at your own expense, you were in contact with someone exposed to the virus and wish to know your status, etc.
I’m sure DH would love to test 12k per month and rake in millions when the cost of doing so is a tiny fraction of that. It’s a shame testing in the midst of a pandemic isn’t free and widely available.

My2Cents says...

LOL. Keep trafficking in conspiracy theories and deluding yourself into thinking the US under grossly incompetent Trump is in better condition than China as it relates to COVID-19.

On More travel restrictions lifted

Posted 27 June 2020, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

I fully agree with your POV. Ideally, we should remained closed like the Cayman Islands until we have the rapid testing and health care infrastructure in place to deal with a possible surge. But you and I know after decades of poor governance and wasteful spending, we’re not financially stable enough to last that long without dire consequences.
My point was it makes no sense to freak out about accepting visitors from China or European countries. If there’s once place we should be making noise about, it’s the US.

On More travel restrictions lifted

Posted 27 June 2020, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

The comments under this article are nonsensical at best. If we’re accepting tourists from the world leader in COVID-19 cases and deaths (the U.S), a country with a federal government doing virtually nothing to slow the spread, why would we not accept tourists from China or any other country? Especially when they’re for the most part succeeding in bending the curve in their respective countries? Think Bahamas, think.

On More travel restrictions lifted

Posted 26 June 2020, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal