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My2centz says...

The top government lawyers seem in awe of him. It's as if they are not smart enough to realize that his words are often not in conformity with the law. And his antics and loudmouth only add to his popularity within his customer base:Haitians. A well trained lawyer, in a fair courtroom, could wipe the floor with him.

My2centz says...

The government can also take lands away for unpaid property tax who would have paid taxes during these 12 years? Furthermore, if persons are illegally in the country that law would not apply to then.

My2centz says...

This man is a walking hypcorisy. He fights for illegality using the law. What rights can people have to property they do not own. The government should have confiscated these properties a long time ago. They need to do it now.

My2centz says...

The last thing they should do is put people who just experienced Dorian in flimsy accommodations. And i'm not convinced they have, or will hire, people with the competencies to turn such major projects around in a such a short time frame or ever. And the tent cities will become the new shanty towns-just a lot worse.

They should make use of abandoned and/or school buildings instead. It would be much easier to implement a temporary "city". People would have sturdy accomodations and be better protected from the elements. Schools can be relocated to the tent city sites, and tents or trailers used for classrooms. At least no one would have to spend night after night under a tarp.

On Tent cities for GB and Abaco

Posted 17 September 2019, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Why does it feel like they're using this tragedy to campaign? Because i cannot believe that either genuinely thinks he could have done better. On top of that spreading misinformation that was so easy to confirm.

Why does their assistance have to be publicized? There are so many everyday Bahamians (and foreigners) assisting without recognition. Yet these men decide to distract the public with their antics. I hope whatever they're up to, backfires.

On 'Ingraham is welcome - but we don't need egos'

Posted 16 September 2019, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

How can Mr Smith makes this comment that the victims refuse to "comply with law and order" without providing examples of this lawlesness? Sure they need to be patient, but if water delivery is as slow as the body count...their frustration is understandable.

My2centz says...

This is exactly the way it should be. Unfortunately, the Bahamas doesn't operate this way. If it rains too heavily or the sun is too bright in Haiti (or Bahamas) we suspend repatriation efforts and change the rules. Our leaders even break our own laws to provide birthright citizenship.

My2centz says...

TPS was granted to documented persons with family in the US...the borders were not open to any and everyone.
Beside that, there is no reason for this to happen in this instance...much of the Bahamas wad not affected.

My2centz says...

Why can't the two former PMs help without recognition for helping? I don't think either would have been more effective in this unprecented crisis. And it is in extremely poor taste for them to publicly criticize the PM.

I'm sure Mr. Ingraham would have personally visited the Mudd and Pigeon Peas, but he should not make outrageous and untrue claims . Thank goodness there is video evidence of the extent those victims were warned. But why is he not equally concerned about the preparedness of the victims who are just as dead?

On Minnis hits back at former PMs

Posted 13 September 2019, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Only 20 reported missing? The Dorianpeoplesearch website has hundreds. The owner of the website should take the site down if it’s no longer being updated.