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My2centz says...

3 months in Fox Hill sound just as bad. He would truly have PTSD from that experience. Not to mention zero income while incarcerated as the provider for his family plus lawyer costs. He made the logical choice of two very bad options. Sandals need to be sued for millions by him, for their role in this.

On Butler: I only gave her a hug

Posted 3 December 2018, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Their motive is very clear. They were more offended by the $15k compensation offered by Sandals, than what amounted to a slap on the wrist for someone who supposedly molested her and caused two years of trauma. I've read where Sandals will fight in court, I hope they do.

The only victim here is Mr. Adderley. I dont believe bail was an option. So if I had to choose between waiting it out in fox hill until my case is heard or putting it behind me...I may have done the same.

On Butler: I only gave her a hug

Posted 3 December 2018, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

I leave the hateful, ingorant comments to faux humanitarians like you.

My2centz says...

This country is not the commonwealth of the Red Cross. The line between humanitarianism and law has to remain clear. The Bahamas morphing into Haiti is not a benevolent act, it’s stupid. However, the final decision on the two individuals in question goes, it should not reaffirm any entitlement outside of the law as they both opted out.

My2centz says...

The government has been practicing birthright citizenship without legal authority for decades. Partial adherence to the law is nothing to be excited about because it pleases you. Prioritzing self interests over the good of the country is exactly why this illegal immigration problem exists.

My2centz says...

The most hateful remarks came from you. I find this hypocrisy common among too many who claim to be defending human rights. Not wanting our country to disintegrate into Hait, as the current path indicates, is not hate. Your double standard when it comes to Jamaica is also hypocritical. Your own repatriated, and gay citizens fear for their lives. But foreigners fare better? I find that very hard to believe.

My2centz says...

Begged for did you infer that? This woman has vitriol toward a country that she resided and benefitted from and no doubt provided her with a good start to the success she now enjoys. All over her parents failure. Her mother fled Jamaica for a reason, and decided a hassle filled Bahamian passport was better for her than a freely given JA passport.

The Bahamas has a value due to imported labor? Ridiculous comment. It has more value than other Caribbean countries because of its proximity to the US. Importing skilled labour is a fact of life for most small and underpopulared countries (including JA where more live abroad than in). Not many seem to know how to manitain or recruit its educated or skilled diaspora. This is not unique to the Bahamas.

My2centz says...

Name calling with a condescending tone is respectful?

No injustice occurred. This man was given ample opportunity to provide proof of his legal status to a legally authorized official. Whether it was in a courtroom or not is irrelevent.

My2centz says...

The ungrateful Jamaican-Bahamian is exactly why the country needs to establish stricter guidelines in vetting its citizenship applicants born to foreigners. But I agree with one point you made, the Bahamas is losing its citizen resources to poor uneducated illegal immigrants and their offsprings . Individuals who really add no value, but reap the benefits of living in a more stable economy and possessing a hassle free passport. Bahamas for Bahamians is just a phrase. The reality is the Haitian community has had better luck in having their issues addressed.

My2centz says...

The Jamaican and Bahamian immigration laws are not the same. The minister can legally sign off on deportation orders. There is also nothing beyond your delusions that holds the corrupt, ineffective, human rights violating Jamaican justice system in higher esteem than Bahamas. It is not a model to emulate. In reality, if Bahamas is not above then we are on par.