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My2centz says...

She fed all those employees who worked almost nonstop for weeks- breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To do so she had to order extra food and supplies well beyond her normal volume (which you know wasn’t cheap). To top it off she had hundreds of young people dumped on her steps at once. Its no wonder she ran out of supplies. If she had closed her doors to them she would have at least had her inventory to sell. She deserves this.

On Maryann says ‘I’ll share windfall’

Posted 28 January 2019, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Why doesnt she say what happened that made this man believe such an offer was on the table? And why he was so confident in calling this man''s name publicly? Running on about his tenure and clean record doesnt clarify anything. If it was said sarcastically this means at worst, the department is unprofessional, but not corrupt. They should be reaching out to Netflix for a retraction if absolutely untrue.

My2centz says...

So I guess only water was imported? I'm still interested to know why Billy McFarland thought he had bartered the cost.

My2centz says...

So nobody's curious as to why or how Billy MacFarland thought oral sex in lieu of government revenue? Did he just make it up or was there an offer on the table? The agent was named in the documentary. Therefore, if untrue he needs to sue this group for defamation. He definitely has a case.

My2centz says...

Haitians and descendants of Haitians are clearly above Bahamian law. It's called Haitian Privilege. They can come illegally, get fraudulent documents or ignore the window to claim birth entitlements without legal consequence. And are even repatriated back "home". They build dangerous and illegal structures on land they may not own and that's that...they're homeowners.

My2centz says...

Any business, including government services, has the right to impose dress codes suited to their business. I’m sure she did not present herself in shorts while interviewing with her employer out of respect and the nature of their meeting. Same respect should be shown for this meeting, and the authority of the people will ultimately decide her fate. Her disrespectful attitude and obvious disdain for this country are unfortunately typical of immigrants, but yet they will never voluntarily leave.

My2centz says...

This census is just as laughable as the deadline. Do they really belive illegal immigrants and those who support them will give themselves up? This is another smoke screen to protect illegal immigrants

On Legal status for majority in shanty town census

Posted 12 December 2018, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

This "observation" of this very biased writer is absent of facts. Which academic organizations did this writer contact to corroborate these bold statements? Of the notable ones, I rarely see a Haitian surname among nominees or awardees of academic accolades.

Imagine the uproar and accusations of hate if the article made generalizations about Haitian they make it 12th grade barely speaking English, lack common sense to apply for citizenship in the country they want to live in benefit from, fill up classrooms and force teachers to focus on them taking away valuable resources from Bahamian goes on.

Immigration and the competition it brings can possibly help in raising the bar...but it's clear that a predominantly Haitian influx is not the way to go. A declining grade average over the decades has proven, if anything, they're contributing to the decline.

My2centz says...

Can't wait to see them exposed

On Sandals couple - we’ll see you in court

Posted 4 December 2018, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

The fact that people can pay a fine for the hit and run death of another person shows how illogical and absurd it really is. It needs a complete overhaul so that penalties fit the crimes.

On Butler: I only gave her a hug

Posted 4 December 2018, 6:29 a.m. Suggest removal