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My2centz says...

The law says that. But when has that stopped officials, or in this case Jean Rony, from doing their own thing? Because we don't agree with a particular law, doesn't mean it should be broken. We can't be hypocrites and complain when immigration doesn't follow the law. And still complain when they do because someone has broken the law.

My2centz says...

His entitlement window to apply ended 16 years ago. This should no longer be a valid legal argument for citizenship for him. He scoffed at the opportunity for full participation in the country he was allegedly born in. At this point, if it's proven, he should only be granted permanent residency.

My2centz says...

It's clear that he is not Bahamian. The law has no remedy for persons born to foreign parents who have not applied by 19. So legally, he is where he's supposed to be. Immigration did their job and will now be reluctant going forward because of emotional reactions like yours.

No one should baby this adult. He, his family and lawyers need to work it out legally. Mr. Rony himself did not feel that regularizing his status was necessary because too many times this law has been bent to accommodate people who feel the way he does. This should be a wake up call to all in his position to get themselves straight.

My2centz says...

How do we know that this man was born in the Bahamas? Because he said so? This is exactly why so much fraud exists within this department.

We are hearing his version of events which may differ drastically from the truth. His sister admitted he did not secure his status because it was not important. I would like to hear what immigration did or did not do to validate his claim before casting this man as a victim. Despite what people say, the records office is not the cluster it's made out to be.

My2centz says...

The descendants of those MPs are now generational Bahamians with limited Haitian lineage. Their ancestors assimilated into the population and culture. This is quite different from the present day scenario and the newly landed. How many illegal Haitians should the Bahamas absorb because two persons of Haitian descent gave to, and likely benefited more, from this country?

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 23 January 2018, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

His sister has status and I'm sure many family members as well. So they (and he) were not ignorant of the citizenship laws or the required documents to secure status. If he were truly born in the Bahamas and they made no effort on his behalf, this is bad question about it. Stop making excuses. Based on the documents his family made public as proof of his claim, what's more likely is that he was not born in the Bahamas. Immigration did their job.

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 22 January 2018, 5:23 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 22 January 2018, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

How do you know he was born on the same soil as you when he nor his parents could provide legal proof of that? Should we simply accept his word without proof? The immigration department did their job in this instance. He and his parents failed him.

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 22 January 2018, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Illegal parents need to do much better regarding the status of their children. They leave it to chance that the law will be bent to accommodate their neglect and inability to produce documents required of all applicants (not just Haitian). If an illegal woman and a friend can be legally permitted to sign an affidavit that essentially establishes her child as a citizen, these parents simply did not have the will or concern to do so on behalf of Jean Rony. He didn't have it for himself (he's almost 40). Or they all knew he was not born in the Bahamas and tried it anyway.

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 22 January 2018, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

You fine both because they both broke the law. The government is not a charity or church organization and shouldn't be operating like one.