Comment history

My2centz says...

We are animals, differentiated by only 1% of our DNA.
Healthcare, education and shelter are societal constructs, not human rights. This is why it's not free, like air. If these were fundamental human rights, diseases would not exist, shelters would randomly sprout like trees and nature would provide all the education it does for other animals.

The writer presents herself as an open minded humanitarian. A genuinely open minded person would present realistic solutions outside of other human constructs called nations, economies, currency, borders. These are the things that create barriers. You cannot conform to these man made limitations, and also be of the view that no barriers should or would exist on the basis of being "human". This is why the UN is a useless creates ideals that it cannot support.

My2centz says...

Are you naive or just playing devil's advocate?

Illegal workers pay NIB, really? Are the owners of the shanty town lands paying property taxes, which are passed on to the renters? How does illegal electric hookups contribute to the economy? Are unlicensed store owners in the shanty towns collecting VAT from their customers?

My2centz says...

I somewhat agree. But leasing unused land to newly minted citizens is better than giving it away to them or Bahamians for that matter. The government should be the last agency strengthen Haiti's foothold in the Bahamas. Or to provide Bahamians with the means for a quick sell to the highest foreign bidder. Leasing vacant lands will generate income while keeping it for future generations.

My2centz says...

You kick them off when the lease ends or if they are not in compliance with lease provisions. Illegal immigrants would obviously not qualify. However free and clear land titles to 1st/2nd generation "Haitian-Bahamians" is absurd because crown land remains inaccessible to the masses of multigeneraiton Bahamians.

My2centz says...

This "fight" is all smoke and mirrors. The government has previously asserted there may be payouts for these lands, and now there is a pending crown land giveaway no doubt for the illegal squatters (1st & 2nd Haitian Bahamians) benefit. If land is so readily available to give, why hasn't this been done for multi-generational Bahamians whose ancestors toiled these lands? I just hope the government isn't silly enough to grant free and clear titles to these free lands. I hope they convert them to 5 or 10 year leases instead.

My2centz says...

The only sites that have essentially been condemned in the aftermath of Dorian are the former shanty towns. Its obvious this is a ploy to grant land to illegal squatters as they suggested previously. I think Fred Smith is the leader of this country. What a sad reality that Haitian ( Haitian descent) are the priority in Bahamas.

My2centz says...

Its comical the way some of you pretend that illegal immigrants anywhere in the world, dont take on the dirtiest jobs for the cheapest pay. Its because they are often uneducated, dont speak the language and can thrive in substandard living conditions...not because the native population are lazy or above certain jobs.

What you are suggesting is that Bahamians lower their standard of living to what illegal immigrants are used to at home. This is the only way a Bahamian can compete with a Haitian. It clear that as long as you have your cheap labor, you dont care whether poor Bahamians have running water or live steps away from an open sewer. This is what makes the humanity many of you pretend to have, laughable.

On Storm victims upset by protesters outside gym

Posted 14 November 2019, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Operation Sovereign Bahamas is exercising their freedom of speech. Rights Bahamas does the same including spewing nasty rhetoric toward Bahamians. What's the issue? Haitians in this gym have also exercised their freedom of speech to international media, or promoted social media stories that paint Bahamians as far worse than insensitive protestors. They have falsely alleged aggression and violence against them since Dorian. Reality must hurt more than fiction, because this should have been an easy day in the life of Haitian in Bahamas.

On Storm victims upset by protesters outside gym

Posted 13 November 2019, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Bad idea, the solution needs to be more comprehensive than paying students.

First and foremost, High schools should be reserved for those who want to, not have to, be there. Meaning, education should be mandatory through grade 9 or until the age of 14, where one can decide to continue or not. Those not meeting the requirements to proceed to high school should be given the opportunity to take prep courses at parents expense or through scholarship from public sector. This will give them the opportunity to redeem themselves and continue on...willingly. Those who cannot or dont want to continue should receive on the job training and some certification of proficiency after successful completion. And/Or an opportunity to earn a HS diploma by the GED.

If schools are graduating students who are essentially below BJC standard anyway, nothing is lost. But those who are capable and want to learn would have a better experience and the opportunity to flourish in schools that are not overcrowded, no class clowns, students who need more attention and other distractions.

On Why not pay schools by results?

Posted 13 November 2019, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

The Bahamas is supposed to be a democratic nation, meaning people are free, not controlled. So why should a group of peaceful individuals exercising their democratic and constitutional right be controlled? Haitians, including illegal ones, freely express their views and anger toward the PM and any situation they find undesirable. I've never seen a politician or editorial trying to control their animosity. I think a more fitting editorial would condemn public authorities
and public platforms that denounce people who embracd democracy. This is more concerning than anything.