Comment history

My2centz says...

Lawmakers need to stop policing public emotions. They simply need to enforce the law without favor or prejudice. If they did what they were/are supposed to be doing the vitriol wouldn't exist...the irony.

On ‘No place here for prejudice’

Posted 12 November 2019, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

"Catch and release" in other words, detaining suspected criminals is not inhumane; it's a standard law enforcement procedure. You'd think a former lawyer would know that. And also know that living in the Bahamas without legal status, is a crime. If there were a process to single out criminals from the law abiding, this would be unecessary; but until then...

On Catch and release is inhumane

Posted 9 November 2019, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

It was confirmed in an eyewitness news story, that some of that 112 has already returned by commercial flights. This will never make headlines though...because they'll never want to answer how or why and what the net deportee numbers are.

My2centz says...

It's an issue because what has she accomplished as MOS&C or in sports or culture? Nothing. The youth won't remember or care who the minister was in 2019. Why should they idolize someone simply for their status, not accomplishments or progressive views. This kind of thinking is what holds this country back. Her picture should be replaced with Buddy, Shaunae, Stephen or alternately 1 of the 3.

On ‘Face it - this was a mistake’

Posted 7 November 2019, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

If you really believed your pie in the sky ideals, you would be living peacefully in a commune sharing your possessions equally with like minded brothers and sisters. But yet you exist in an economy driven by currency and scarcity - fighting for scraps like everyone else. If you want your "woke" ideals to be taken seriously, start living this life you want to project onto society. Invite the "undocumented" to share in your life of non scarcity.

I think the best scenario for countries especially like Haiti, is to drop out of the global economy and get back to the basics of subsistence, communal living. This cannot start with the Bahamas for them because reality check: resources are limited. Even in terms of natural resources and the laws that protect our oceans, it could still be quickly depleted trying to save Haiti.

My2centz says...

I guess she doesn't see enough of herself in the mirror. This was tacky, narcissistic and in very poor taste.

On ‘Face it - this was a mistake’

Posted 6 November 2019, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

My comments are factual or common sense, never based in "hatred". But I'm not surprised you'd deflect from that with baseless labels because you're an antagonist (i.e not a peacemaker)

On Evacuees ask - where is your compassion?

Posted 5 November 2019, 11:08 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

You are generalizing Jamiacans, when you s a y you as s people don't generalize, aren't you? Of the many comments I read Jamaicans were generalizing Bahamians, and Haitians abroad and in Bahamas, were very receptive to being cast in the victim role. And Bahamians as villians.

On Evacuees ask - where is your compassion?

Posted 5 November 2019, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Jamaicans inserted themselves on the "mixup". A few weeks ago, a washed up Jamaican artist led thousands of his Jamaican followers in a barrage insults and threats towards Bahamians over the so called mistreatment of Haitians. Groups like this, and organizations like UN who cite same logic for deporting or withdrawing from Haiti for financial reasons, condemn Bahamas for the same...are who make Haitians feel above the law.

On Evacuees ask - where is your compassion?

Posted 5 November 2019, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

"What is a piece of paper?" Wow. This sums up the ungrateful, entitled attitudes of too many Haitians and their disregard for the law. Illegal or not, they also seem to have no problem challenging the PM as if they're owed something. Organizations like the UN, other international organizations, their loudmouth Charge D'Affiares and the fake outcry from Jamaicans has provided them with false justification. These feelings of entitlement will fester; and we can see what happens when Haitians get riled up.

This government needs to show them it does matter, and seek internationsl assistance to conduct an orderly, and mass deportation of illegals, that this country has never seen. Including Bahamas born with no pending application. If we don't respect our laws which doesn't recognize birthright citizenship, its no wonder a "piece of paper", other than the $58 million pieces paper sent to Haiti, doesn't matter.

On Evacuees ask - where is your compassion?

Posted 5 November 2019, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal