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My2centz says...

@Jamaicaproud I'm convinced you are either high or drunk when you type your nonsense on here. But on the other hand, most Jamaicans I've met are like you: arrogant and very self unaware. You have the answers for all the societal ills in other countries. Meanwhile Jamaica competes with Haiti, for the sh:thole title of the Caribbean. It's because Jamaica is too far gone economically, socially, politically and humanity left your country when started killing people for being "unJamaican", i.e gay or repatriated. But we're supposed to believe you care about Haitians?

On 'Shanty clean-up has to happen'

Posted 15 October 2019, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

"...the prime minister should also stop “inflaming the (fumes) of violence in so many forms against our clients.”

Fred Smith is such a delusional intigator. He is the one fanning fumes by telling people they are entitled to what they are not, while speaking down to and outright telling lies on Bahamians. When have Haitians ever been on the receicing end of violence from Bahamians? When has any government or PM prioritized Bahamians over Haitian?

On 'Shanty clean-up has to happen'

Posted 15 October 2019, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

This will become the new shanty town with 10 persons to a dome with makeshift tin and wood extensions to accommodate the additional househould.

On Domes unveiled to house 1,000 people in Abaco

Posted 15 October 2019, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Allegedlly a person in charge wrote "Bahamians only" on a paper towel. Did your friend ask why this was done or report the person in charge for this? Several Haitian nationals have complained publicly about shelter food, and at least one organizaton responded by providing Haitian food. Could there be different meals served according to nationailty? Bahamians, frustrated by the Haitian situation or not, have not reached that level of callousness to deny food to any less fortunate, in my opinion. But here you are, painting that picture based on a solitary incident.

What i never see are letters to the editor, highlighting the kindness of thousands of Bahamians toward Haitians, even as they trash the Bahamas as an unsafe place for reality, not a single person has been harmed. Its really, people like you who throw on your capes to stamp out "xenophobia" thar really fan the flames of civil discord. IWhat are you actually doing to improve the situation you find inhumane? This letter is not it. I don't see how anyone could think another condescending, one sided chiding of Bahamians could possibly decrease tensions or change laws.

On Cry the beloved country

Posted 11 October 2019, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Very well said.

My2centz says...

Mr Smith's grip on reality and the "rule of law" would have us believe that a 47 year old Hatian national who doesn't speak a lick of English - lost her passport in the hurricane and should be granted citizenship on that basis. Unfortunately, not many, not even the AG will present a reasonable challenge on QC Smith's intentional misinterpretation of the law. He knows they will aceept what he says unchallenged because they are not well versed in the law.

Only Fred Mitchell it seems, was confident enough to challenge his illogical spin on the constitition. The government, if they want to present a serious case, will need to bring in foreign counsel. This is the only way the classic "xenophobia" defense when all else fails...won't contiminate law enforcement. Emotion, and personal agendas, should not be the driving force in determining when to apply the law.

On Smith challenge to shanty town action

Posted 10 October 2019, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Mr Pratt, if no human is illegal why don't you move along to a less "xenophobic" country as an "undocumented" migrant? You won't because you don't believe your own words. It was emotional with no logical susbtance. It's impossible to have your life controlled by the value of currency, as most of us do including "undocumented" migrants, and also believe borders don't exist.

Until we have a single global currency, immigration will persist. And borders will be regulated to ensure countries are not overburdened or collapse under the strain of taking on populations they cannot sustain. Therfore, legal persons, and "indigenous" people will try to protect their efforts and those of their forefathers, that contributed to the limited resources of their country. Its not xenophobic, its self's the same reason why illegals migrate to other countries.

On Response to our Haitian brothers and sisters

Posted 10 October 2019, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

Haitians didn't last a week in Jamaica after the earthquake in 2010, and it was a small number. They were shipped back because Jamaica "couldn't afford them", and sent them back to piles of stone and dust. How is that for inhumane?

On the other hand, Bahamas released detainees and allowed them to seek work during that period to help their families back home. Your hypocrisy is as laughable as the has been Jamaican artist constantly slandering Bahamians in three name of humanity...but has not once spoken out on the atrocous killings of repatriated Jamaicans and gays. More inhumanity.

My2centz says...

Highlighting this non issue appears to be a "Rights" Bahamas move because it falls in line with their false narrative of Haitians being targeted, and living in fear for their lives. I wouldn't be surprised if this bishop was closely associated with them and they are the next to chime in on this non issue and intentionally misconsture Minnis' actions. We all know Minnis loves the Haitian community even if he does not love shanty towns, especially an already destroyed one.

My2centz says...

Then whomever was collecting rent on the Crown Land, has the squatters claim. It cannot be the "tenants". However, if it's a Bahamian who makes the claim, I have no doubt the land granted or payout, will be confiscated or offset due to a hefty price tag for code violations and back taxes.

So I'm curious to know what level of accountability a non Bahamian would have as "landlord". If a non Bahamian, according to AG, can obtain crown land though squatting, they can be held legally accountable for "owning" and profiting from that land. It's unbelievable how the constitution can be manipulated to legalize illegality.