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My2centz says...

Swap the crown land and give it to Haitian nationals, and 1st/2nd generation "Bahamians" so they can reconstruct tin and plywood homes? These lands are not owed to them. The government needs to build and manage any construction for legal, but homeless Dorian survivors.

However, if the Bahamas government wants to hand out crown land, they need to hand it out to people whose ancestors toiled it for hundreds of years. We see enough money flowing out of the country by these "Bahamians" which contributes to Haiti's GDP. So naturally, we give them land so that they can treat it as a province of Haiti.

My2centz says...

If I didn't know any better, I would believe Dorian only impacted Haitian/Haitian descent. The coverage and compassion shown toward one group, while villinizing or ignoring the other "the natives" shows who the real victims on xenophobia are.

My2centz says...

Grey areas, for Haitians and those of Haitian descent, are constantly created even where the law is black and white. It has only created more entitlement this group. Imagine what payouts for land they squatted on would do?

Since most of the shanty town residents were supposedly legal, any measures to provide housing for those affected by Dorian would include them. And all found illegal, should be deported.

My2centz says...

@DonAnthony the government needs to priotize Bahamians, and legal residents, by doing what's in their best interest. No middle ground has to be met on that. They simply cannot keep ignoring, breaking, avoiding or changing laws simply because it's the path of least resistance. Eventually it will come to a head. Paying newly minted Bahamians for land is definitely not a resolution.

My2centz says...

I doubt any law was crafted to take away personal land in favor of squatters. And if it is, crown land I don't see how any "equitable" solution can be arrived at by granting land to the Haitian community which comprises of Haitian nationals and their 1st, 2nd generation Bahamian offspring. Meanwhile many generational Bahamians, from slavery era or prior, have been shut out from this benefit. Despite what you believe, the majority of Bahamians live below the poverty line. The government's priority should be affordable housing for all who are legal. That's it. There's no way Bahamian land, granted for the benefit of Bahamians, should have to be bought from recent arrivals.

My2centz says...

Hard to see them losing, if the AG does his job and the law is appropraitely applied.

The squatters always claimed to have been paying rent. So who were they paying? Who are the last owners on record? Even if not the true owner, they considered themselves to be tenants. Fred Smith put the idea forward that they were land owners. Does squatters law even apply to generational and personal property?

My2centz says...

Country of laws, huh? That's not possible if the AG cant interpret the constitution. Apparently the Bahamian constution was drafted on behalf of the world community, not Bahamians. His fear, or admiration, of Fred Smith is so obvious and embarrassing. He's supposed to be the top lawyer in the country, but he moves to the beat of Fred Smiths misguided and self serving interpretation of the law.

What they need to do is acquire the land, repatriate all illegals. And provide low cost housing for all Bahamians impacted by Dorian and Joaquin.

On Govt may pay squatters for land acquisition

Posted 4 October 2019, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

They're not acquiring anything...they are working out how to pay Haitians/Haitian Bahamians for land they didn't own. This government is a joke, the AG especially.

On PM orders acquisition of shanty town land

Posted 4 October 2019, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

My2centz says...

This group is a joke. They use such bold language a's "ethnic cleansing" to paint a picture that is not consistent with reality. If we had real lawyes in government they would sue this "rights" group for defamation. The reality is the only people being ethnically cleansed are Bahamians.

All of these acrommyned organzations, are very aware of the atrocities happening to Haitians in Haiti...and they don't care. So what exactly is reporting Bahamas for enforcing it's immigration laws supposed to accomplish?