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Newgate says...

If the world is so concerned about the people of haiti then the world should take them. I swear i can't understand what this world is coming to. It's getting more and more populated with people who act so righteous and yet they want OTHERS do deal with problems. I feel for the people of haiti but taking them in will not solve anything and frankly, it would likely cause more problems. The bahamas already faces unemployment. yet others expect us to take them in and put even more strain on the country? America, the land of opportunity, the country that has all sorts of industries where they could find work halted them at their borders yet WE are expected to take them in? I understand they've had a great deal of misfortune on them over the years but how can a country like ours that's barely taking care of itself be expected to take them in?

How about we talk about how all the money that gets sent their way never getting to the people? . Let america and canada pick them up and take them in. It's high time "the world" start putting it's money where it's mouth is and DO something if they're so concerned.

Newgate says...

I understand we need to take care of the environment but these people who push for renewable energy seem to have a habot of underestimating how big a task that is. Not just powet but also cars and the like would need to be changed and i sure as heck dont see the bahamas moving to electric or hydrogen cars anytime soon. Then there is the matter of solar and wind being very inefficient and unreliable. The tech is making progress but its stillfar away for a country like ours. I want to see more renewable energy but i wont kid myself into thinking its a simple task.

On ‘Spills go with fossil fuels’

Posted 25 July 2022, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

The election brought Covid to inagua period. Cases started poping up 5 or 6 days after the election. This whole situation showed how backwards the leaders of this country is. There is no reason what so ever to have people who are away from their island to come back and vote. In this day and age they should be able to vote right there in naussu and have their vote counted for whatever constituency they belong to. The ones running for those constituency have no reason to come here. given the situation, they should have set up camaras and monitors and have whatever presentation over the internet rather than a blasted rally that had people gathering like there ain't a pandemic going around. And the final nail in the coffin. from BEFORE the first cases popped up there were rumors that the one running for the plp for MICAL, a NATIVE of inagua had covid. They are now keeping it covered but the entire island knows it's true at this point. The VAST majority of covid caes were from the PLP camp. Even assuming this isn't true, the PLP failed inagua by not locking the island down after the first few cases. I am fed up with these people running this country, i will never vote again. FNM and PLP can burn in hell.

On Minnis: What caused Inagua COVID spike?

Posted 15 October 2021, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

You guys are going to hear that place closing in a few years. Mark my words.

Newgate says...

I personally see no reason to rush and get this thing they slapped together that has no long term testing. Fact is, this things kill rate isn't as bad as they made it out to be. I'm more concerned over possible side effect of a vaccine 5-10 years later. This is one reason why a normal vaccine takes so long to push out normally.

On Warning to prepare vaccination plan

Posted 15 January 2021, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

If safety measures are heavily implemented and rapid response teams are put in place to handle issues ASAP are implemented, I'm all for oil. The bahamas has limited resources and it's tourism could come under threat. The world is slowly moving away from oil but there is still plenty time to make use of it (30-50 years at least imo) to boost our tourism. If we let this opportunity slip by the bahamas could have some real issues depending on how the certain things in this region go in the next 20 or so years. Our capital needs a serious uplift in terms of appearance and tourism should be expanded beyond nassau and freeport.

The only issue is this: can the government actually be competent for once and make sure the oil is exploited safely and used to better the bahamas as a whole?

Newgate says...

I wish them the best of luck. Our country can use another means of income. In light of Biden most likely winning the US elections, and how he was part of the team that was trying to open Cuba back up, if he continues to do so, the bahamas MUST do something to make more cash and strengthen it's tourism industry. I assure you, IF cuba opens up, and investors start dumping resources there, the bahamas can have a hard time in 10-20 years. Something must be done NOW.

On Drilling ship sets sail for Bahamas

Posted 28 November 2020, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

This is exactly what i was saying for years. The bahamas really only has a convenient location going for it. There are MANY other places that provide what we do and more. I always railed on our government for not doing more to beef up our tourism. Every island in this country has something to call its own, some have ssports fishing, others have bird watching, some have beautiful reefs or blue holes to explore. Yet the focus is always nassua, a place where tourists, upon leaving Paradise Island quickly see a drop in beauty depending on the direction they go. Cuba opening will either end us or push us to be better and for the sake of everyone, we better hope its the latter

Newgate says...

Be it trump or Biden, i assure you, America is screwed either way

Newgate says...

While i would never bother with the drug myself, i won't sit here and allow what you just said to go unchallenged. Assuming it's properly regulated there won't be a massive case of drug exportation. Your comment about looking for an increase in diabetes and obesity is also wrong. There have been several studies that show weed helps keep sugar levels in control. I know someone who got legally blind due to diabetes. His sugar was always up in the 300+ range because the idiot didn't want to take meds. He had no choice when his eyesight started to go but still the pills the doctors gave only had minimal effect and they were getting ready to put him on insulin. He held off on it and with one last hoorah, he started smoking weed. Guess what happened after a month? normal blood sugar levels. It's it's been normal ever since, with the doctors taking him off the pills he was on previously Also note that the guy has a killer sweet tooth and hasn't stopped he still shoves chocolates down his gullet and his blood sugar levels never go above 145 or so . you say Weed causes Obesity? the same guy i talked about previously was like 250 pounds, after a year of weed he was at 198. Not saying weed helps you lose weight (granted i've only seen VERY few people who use the drug being overweight) but it sure as hell doesn't increase it.

It's also an effective pain killer, for some pain killers don't work well but weed knocker the pain right out. There is a reason why all over the world the stigma of weed is dying down. People are realizing that it's not as bad as they thought. If you want to have it illegal, then it should be pushed to have alcohol and sugar illegal as well cos those kill and make people sick WAY more than weed.