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Newgate says...

They need to go tho. the ones building these shanty towns are foreign, and most likely illegal immigrants. I don't get what's so complicated. Did these people come here legally? they they go through the proper channels to build a community on our land? If the answer is no, get rid of them. Of course that's not going to happen because all the governments that ever ran the country allowed this issue to run rampant. with so many half haitians in the country now(I assume they can vote, correct me if i'm wrong), no government has the balls to do anything to them.

Newgate says...

Saying oil shouldn't be dug up because of global warming is kind of strange to me. Oil in a barrel isn't much of a problem as far as greenhouse emissions are concerned in my opinion. The problem is when it's refined and put in your car, THAT is when you have issues and guess what? for all the talks about global warming in these comments, I'm fairly certain none of you will give up your car for the sake of the world. It's the burning of fuels that is causing problems. Every time you hop in your car and turn the key, hell every time you use any gas powered vehicle, even a bus, you are generating demand for the oil as such, not getting oil isn't going to do much because the demand won't go away. Everytime you buy another car, you generate demand. To say no drilling for oil on the grounds of global warming while using cars and any electric powered tech (including the phone/computer you're typing on now) shows an incredible level of hypocrisy. IT is simply virtue signaling. If you're really concerned about global warming, trash your car and start walking everywhere you need to go.

Now the possibility of accidents is something else entirely. Oil spilling in the sea is bad and can hinder tourism. Oil spills are actually fairly common tho they are minor for the most part. Every precoson must be made to limit these occurrences from happening and tools and equipment must be there in the event a spill or any kind happens (these include tiny ones like what may happen during the fueling of a ship or something.

I'm on the fence about this. Oil can bring many opportunities to the country. It can generate more jobs which will increase the quality of life of the general people and can fill the country's treasury, which can then be used to develop the country as a whole. however can we really say that money will be used properly by the government? This country can benefit greatly from having it's education system overhauled but let's be real, the powers that be don't want a critical thinking intelligent populace granted that seems to be something almost all governments around the world try to keep their people from becoming.

On EDITORIAL: What do we do about oil?

Posted 7 October 2020, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

This is a monster of Minnis' making. We had this thing whipped but he just had to run and open up the country without getting proper measures to quickly test and contain travelers. I doubt that we can stay locked down, it's unrealistic to keep locked down when we relay so heavily on tourism. Minnis's comment on it being at least another 6 months of this is far too optimistic in my opinion. All things considered, i personally say we'll be fighting this thing for another year or more. Consider the following:

1. If a vaccine is made, you can rest assured that whatever country made it is going to focus on their own people at first.

2. With a world population of 7+ billion, making the vaccine for everyone isn't going to be easy, vaccines are time consuming to make.

3. Do you think the Bahamas will be on the priority list around the world to get the vaccine? when you have so many more wealthy countries around the world?

4. Normally a vaccine takes years (as much as 10) to make. Most of the time is spent testing to make sure the thing doesn't have bad side effects. We can't even be sure if the first batch of vaccine would be all that effective or safe?

With this in mind, This constant locking down will not do, we just can't take it. What minnis SHOULD have done (and i hope he's doing now) was use that time we were first locked down to Prepare for traveling and keep things in control. Do whatever it takes to get testing done faster (admittedly this might not be so simple), Order more medical beds and equipment to handle more people, get reserves from the police force to be boots on the ground to not only ensure people use their masks, but also equip them with disinfectant and have them stationed at high traffic places like big stores and government builds where they can spray door handles every so often. It could even be taken a step further and declare that all business places are to convert to automated doors so people won't have to touch door handles. One of the reasons Asian countries like south Korea and Taiwan were able to take control of the situation is because they basically had all these things in place albeit in a more advanced hi-tech manner (they had drones disinfecting areas and massive trucks that blast disinfectant over a massive area). We don't have that kind of capability so we need to use something a bit more simple.

The main issue is discipline. I'm not trying to sound like a old man or anything, but the Bahamian people can't be trusted to keep up with wearing masks and washing hands, Then you have Tourists who show blatant disregard for this situation in their own country (they actually have covid parties>_>) so you can't expect them to have much consideration when they come over here. A stronger police presence is needed to help keep everything in check

Newgate says...

There will always morons who defy common sense. Why in the world would you go to the states knowing there is a pandemic? This clearly shows a lack of concern for fellow countrymen. I can understand the desire to open up and start the economy again. No cash is being generated and services still need to run. But this is a pandemic, Opening up only opens US up to more cases and frankly i can see this going to get worse. People in the states have shown a disturbing lack of concern for the global situation (which is why cases exploded over there).

This is why i always wished the Bahamas was able to do more than tourism. Options are very limited however, with oil being the only thing that might have been able to make a serious impact on the economy and oil is something that can run out AND the world is slowly starting to move away from fossil fuels, the window to bother with oil may be shrinking.

On Five new cases of COVID-19

Posted 19 July 2020, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...


On Farmers see 'quadrupling' of interest

Posted 24 April 2020, 3:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

Gardening is something i've been trying to lock down for the past 2-3 years. I've only been able to grow things in a small 15x6 area. the only thing holding me back is a hole in the ground that used to be a tank for water from before water and sewage came to my island. If i could get it filled in i could grow a decent amount of food, although with the poor soil on my island, it would take years of toil to get the soil where production can really ramp up (chemical fertilizers can get me going right away but i'm avoiding that.)

On Farmers see 'quadrupling' of interest

Posted 24 April 2020, 3:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

Gloves have hardly any impact unless you're constantly changing them. people seem to really underestimate how cross contamination works. Honestly, you'd be better off constantly washing your hands or using sanitizer than gloves.

On Wendy's confirms COVID-19 case

Posted 8 April 2020, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Newgate says...

They can try all the want they won't stop it. Frankly cable is dying as far as i am concerned. I personally haven't watched cable in over 2 years. Youtube alone offers tons of entertainment and i am subcribed to netflix.

But these dont cover everything. For whatever reason many services are blocked in the bahamas, personally i bupass this by using a vpn but if you have restrictions to things people want, they will sooner or later find a way to het it if they want it.

If they want it to stop i say they should do something about it themselves. Make it possible for the region to get these channels legally and beef up their own secuirty. If i dont want someone to steal from me, i dont run to the police and demand they have an officer posted outside my house at all times all the while, i leave my house doors swinging wide open. I buy good locks and keep my windows locked. Will it stop all the would be theives? No but will it stop a great number of them? Absolutely.

On Bahamas warned: 'Stop the piracy'

Posted 20 December 2019, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal