Comment history

OMG says...

What on earth has this to do with the passing of another human being ?

OMG says...

I empathsize with this young officer and the inmates living and working in disgusting conditions, but why this refusal en mass to take the vaccine. .Vacines and most if not all medicines may cause a reaction in a small percentage of individuals yet we still take them.and the odds of catching and dying from covid are far greatet than a blood clot.

On A prison officer speaks out

Posted 13 April 2021, 5:04 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Rumours Rumours. Also heard that little green men from Mars are amongst us.

OMG says...

Wrong, they are a vacine the same as a flue shot or polio. I suggest the discomfort that very few experience after being vaccinated or the worst case hospitilisation and possible death makes this a sensible choice.

OMG says...

Get your facts right.1 Yes its political because the EU has made a total cock up of the vaccination programme, dithering until supplies had been allocated toforward planning countries such as the UK. Secondly this blood clot scare is absolute nonsense. 62% of orthopedic patients will experience a blood clot in hospital.The birth control pill is proven to cause blood clots in some women. Long Haul airline passengers per thousand have an increased incidence of blood clots. On any given day out of millions of adults hundreds will suffer from a blood clot. The AZ vaccine has experienced less cases of clots than a thousand adults in normal day tp day life. Just note how the EU is now changing its advice but the damage to public confidence is lasting.

OMG says...

One or two seemingly sensible suggestions but the hands of the Bahamian economy rest in fiscal commonsense, hard work and minimizing corruption. Year after year month after month we hear the same old " God is the answer, God will sort things out " on and on ,yet if he exists his efforts fail at every turn.There is no logic to praising a higher entity that never ends misery, starvation, violence or crop failures as is shown in so many countries. I echo hrysippus and proud........ stop pushing this religious stuff onto the general public.

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

They already did. A great President named Obama.

On White privilege and slavery

Posted 15 March 2021, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Nobody would diasgree that slavery perpetuated by black and white people was wrong but a letter as vulgar as this only stirs up resentment and ill feeling. . Much of the slave trade was enabled by black african chieftans and, still exists in Africa and Yemen to name two as you say.. There is racism in the Bahamas where young students classify each other as your " black self" and bleach skin to appear whiter. What about Spanish Wells which until the seventies required all black Bahamians to leave the island at sunset. Your own constant use of the term Hogs is an insult to normal citizens of every colour and every country. It might be the case that you yourself have racist views.

On White privilege and slavery

Posted 15 March 2021, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

There are many discrepancies with the 2 hour interview, and not only did Oprah not challenge any statement but not ask any questions regarding her relationship/treatment of her father. |Interestingly enough she hardly knew Oprah but invited her to the wedding. Just one example where she says that her passport/keys etc were taken away. How then given her sadness/feeling ignored etc etc did she struggle through over 13 overseas trips many to exotic locations

On Is it time to dump the Queen?

Posted 13 March 2021, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Get over it Karen