Comment history

OMG says...

Tell the police you might have seen a gun or heard gunfire fromn this property and they will be there in a flash.

On Life and death

Posted 4 March 2021, 6:18 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Once prices go up few retailers reduce the cost when wholsale prices go down.. Same for food and so called bread basket items. Maybe if some family islands stored timber under cover rather than outside where it warps and becomes useless, but pass the overall cost on to the customer there might be a cost reduction but I doubt it.

OMG says...

We never learn and accept the fact (clearly shown by the electoral farce in the USA) that 99% of politicians are in it to keep their jobs at any cost and what is best for the country is spoken but over taken by political self preservation. That being said obviously the FNM is being blamed and yes could with hindsight have done better just as in the UK but could all the wise armchair financial wizards please specifically state what they would do, dollar for dollar to ride out this worldwide unplanned for pandemic. Every country has seen its debt increase but wealthier countries are better able to budget and pay it back , but the Bahamas is small , with limited income options (PLP or FNM could not force foreigners or cruise ships to visit) and not only unbelievably inefficient at collecting revenue but has limited alternatives to traditional methods.

OMG says...

Isn't it about time that all new builds were granted planning permission dependant upon the inclusion of a rain water cistern with a minimum capacity dependant on the type and size of building. Not difficult to do in the early stages of construction..

On DPM: Water Corp free ride now over

Posted 18 February 2021, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

This is a lousy system, where many foreign homeowners deliberately do not pay their property taxes until the property is sold, in effect a cash free loan from the government. It seems that every government despite having legions of pen pushers in air conditioned offices , many with important titles cannot deputise anyone to re value properties every two or three years and bring valuable homes into the taxation bracket. You have a health system which is open to abuse by some senior nursing staff whereby funds sent to Family Islands are not used as intended or fees collected not deposited. These and many other government operated sources of income are rife with inefficiency and dishonesty and need sorting out.

On Property tax woe ‘a colossal mess’

Posted 6 February 2021, 7:13 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Or you get a contract for a very expensive hospital like the one in Palmetto Point which is now the biggest pile of unsold curry in the world and no hospital.

On Gross govt borrowing leaps four-fold to $2bn

Posted 2 February 2021, 6:48 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Love it. And all you do when the lenders call you is answer with the time tested Bahamian reply "check you tomorrow".

On Gross govt borrowing leaps four-fold to $2bn

Posted 2 February 2021, 6:46 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Lets become a colony of the UK again , at least we might get covid supplies and roads that last.

On Gross govt borrowing leaps four-fold to $2bn

Posted 2 February 2021, 6:45 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Several issues. A past director of education who lied and was incompetent like his deputy. Belinda Wilson who says she represents the members but likes to sit behind her desk complaining yet never fighting for unfair dismissals or the vindictive attitudes of immature Principals, and real on the ground changes. Tthere are countless talented Bahamian teachers who will never aspire to the role of Principal or Vice Principal because they don't talk the talk or kiss somebodies backside. Countless interruptions during the school term for visiting speakers, gospel choirs and the like affect teachers time with students, lack of supplies with New Providence getting first supplies, teachers off sick with a doctors note but resting or away on a short trip to Miami. The continued employment of Cuban teachers who often cannot speak clear English and whose main focus is spending as little as possible whilst accumulating all sorts of items to take back The ACR used in many cases as almost blackmail to make teachers toe the line ,often completed by a brand new inexperienced Principal. Teachers dismayed to see a colleague promoted from classroom teacher to Vice Principal, never having been a department Head or senior teacher. So many Principals new to the position rule by dictate never consulting with experienced staff because of their insecurity Obviously there are good Principals and teachers but overall the whole system is in need of major overhaul because students can only perform in a well run school and dedicated teaching staff.

OMG says...

Any party can make outlandish promises but in reality we all know or should know that it is impossible given all that has happened over the last three years for any government to forefill its pledges. People seem to forget that running a country in simple terms is income in expenditure out and if expenditure is greater than income then you have to borrow. A sensible person or government if is to continue to manage the country has to reduce expenditure. Does anybody really believe that the PLP faced with a devastating Hurricane, and Covid and collapse of tourism could have done any better. The answer is a resounding NO. Every country is deep in debt, with massive unemployment but in most cases has alternative sources of income unlike the Bahamas. Go ahead vote in the old PLP and see if they have a magic wand because I can assure you 100% they do not.