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OMG says...

Prouing, Total bulls-hit. Boris made many many mistakes but he also got UK covid vaccinated way before almost every country , got us out of the domineering EU and his support for Ukraine jump started the rest of the Nato countries to get involved to try and stop this mad dictator. Putin . So are we to assume that all these other countries-USA, Germany, France and Turkey to name a few also don't care about their countries . The UK was one of the first countries to land and help out on Eleuthera after Hurricane Andrew but maybe the PM should have been looking after the UK first.

OMG says...

Wrong. China, Pakistan and India

OMG says...

And two primary schools to be constructed in two family islands at 14 millipn each. How the hell do you pay that amoint of money for a small primary school.

OMG says...

Putin only cares about himself and his luxurious lifestyle. A true communist for the people- not!

On Food security

Posted 8 June 2022, 7:54 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

As a long serving teacher I used to laugh at the " our little darlings" trotted out.. Incompetant Principals, District Superintendants, ministry officials and then the past Director and Asst Directors. You have Chemistry labs (loose description) with either no chemicals or some that predate Independance, lack of copying paper and copiers, hiring of Cuban teachers who can barely speak english, in some cases teaching a subject they are not qualified in, workshops with no teacher especially woodwork, sucessful programs closed such as the Auto in Central Eleuthera, vindictive principals who care more about their image and are so incompetant that they rule by dictate not discussion. Add promotions often because of who you know. Yes there are good principals but few and far between. Throw in the BUT which simply exists to carry out pay barganing and rarely addresses complaints victimization by administration orthe MOE and you have a system which needs total reorganisation.

OMG says...

Especially true of some new Principals who are so insecure that they rule by dictate and not consultation with far more experienced staff

On ART OF GRAPHIX: Are you a good boss?

Posted 12 May 2022, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Many foreign home owwners either find it difficult to pay their property tax or deliberately never pay it and upon sale come to an agreement to pay a portion. So 10 or 15 or 20 years of lost revenue, lost interest and inflation reducing the value for the government.

OMG says...

Bad leadership. The re-lection of any MP depends upon the public in that constituency making visible improvements whether they be infrastructure or services. Hank Johnson the MP for South and Central Eleuthera was never a polished career politician but an excellent community worker, hated by some and loved by others but he got things done within his community, BUT he was all but excluded from funding major projects to improve roads, docks, schools and health facilities. Just look at what Clay has done already, for example just look at the road resurfaced with tarmacadam, and clinic refurbishment. If the PLP can give Clay Sweeting the funds to do these things where the hell was Minnis and his "its the peoples time" funding for the FNM Eleuthera MP ? Your problem does not require any advisory consultants just good leadership and concrete visible improvements.

On FNM to assess reasons for election defeat

Posted 16 March 2022, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

This iscthe root cause of our problems in that since independance government policies. have been made simply to hold on to power as opposed to approaching infrastructure and costs as a business requiring profit and investment. It really is simple Mr Davies, no commision is needed. . You cannot continue to generate electricity at a price lower than the cost of producing it. Yes it is painful but all you are doing is kicking the can down the road, addingt to the national deb t and leaving no room to reinvest in modern generating equipment.

OMG says...

Having been a true unpaid volunteer for over 20 years raising thousands of dollars it was obvious that the asumption that anyone involved with cash or goods normally takes a cut. Having personally been accused of misapropriation of funds on a local forum without any proof whatsoever I can empathise with this lady .