Comment history

OldFort2012 says...

The EU can tax our exports: what, lobsters?
slow down access to the global financial system by our offshore financial industry: they have done it already through the blacklisting. They can't do it twice.
put up barriers to the movement of people (both ways including tourism): how exactly? It is up to us who we let in, not them who they let out. And if they put up Visa requirements for what? It's not like we all go to the EU every fortnight. In fact I would wager that 95% of Bahamians have never, nor ever will, go there.

OldFort2012 says...

As usual, people here just do not get it.

Why has the EU blacklisted the Bahamas? Because of Brexit. The UK is leaving and now the main user of the Bahamas as a tax shelter (the UK) is no longer in the EU. The remaining EU nations have tax shelters of their own: Luxembourg, Malta, Cyprus. They naturally want the business to go to them and to keep the money in-house, so to say. Which is normal.

Therefore, whatever we do, obstacles from the EU will keep on appearing.

Our best interest is obvious: do whatever gets us the most business from the rest of the world. Forget the EU. Their aim is to keep their business in-house. Nothing we do will ever satisfy them as it is not satisfaction they seek. It is obstructionism they want.

OldFort2012 says...

You want all that?

In that case you were born in the wrong place. Here you can only get graft corruption and incompetence. For what you want you should have been born in Switzerland.

On Oban deal: We’ll never support it

Posted 13 March 2018, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

LOL, John. You are living proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You qualify as a nuclear weapon.

On Last-ditch bid to halt EU blacklist

Posted 13 March 2018, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

We should wear that badge with pride.

We should write in huuuuggeeee letters at LPIA, so it's the first thing anyone sees on landing: "Welcome to the Bahamas. Blacklisted by the EU since 2018. Your money is safe here. We will tell them SHIT."

And then tell them to fuck themselves. Zero co-operation going forward.

On Last-ditch bid to halt EU blacklist

Posted 12 March 2018, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

This can be "news" only to someone who is not Bahamian.

And nothing will chance. And this will continue to happen:

2005: b a h a m a s

2010: h a m a s

2015: h a i m a s

2020: h a i t a s

2025: h a i t i

OldFort2012 says...

Arrested for fraud. Did she receive the money? Yes. Did she deliver the project? No. Did she receive twice as much money as was in the contract? Yes. Did she partner up with another firm as the contract required? No. Why not? That is all fraud.
And I am aghast that you can't see it.

OldFort2012 says...

In a normal country, the said "Merlene Poitier" would be now arrested and be given the choice of 20 years behind bars with all her assets frozen or spilling the beans on the real beneficiary.

But since we all know that the money went to Brave and that this is the Bahamas and that every politician thinks it is perfectly reasonable to loot the Public Treasury, nothing will happen. And we will remain a Third World Country.

OldFort2012 says...

Smith is right insofar as the Immigration Department is obviously staffed by morons incapable of setting up a legal and efficient system for deporting the thousands of illegals here.

If they did that he could not complain or profit. I wonder if he is paying them to be this inept?

On Smith hits back at ‘cowardly’ Bethel

Posted 6 March 2018, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

There are a LOT of things which would NOT have happened under Colonial rule.
Let's name 2 BIG ones:
1. we would not have become the servant accomplices of drug runners and become morally bankrupt as a people.
2. we would not have borrowed $7bn which we will not repay in a month of Sundays