I know it's not his fault and he had nothing to do with it. But electing someone called "Rommel" to an international body is perhaps not the cleverest move. I can imagine the aghast faces of people when he introduces himself.
To be fair, all postal services throughout the world have been having a tough time for decades now, as a result of e-mail. Who still sends invoices by post? No one I know.
And if someone is not online and in business...I have news for you: you are already out of business.
And I am a what? A Martian? But let me enlighten you, because my point is exactly the one you made: if even the US, with 350m population produces morons as elements of its political class (4-5 decent Presidents in 150 years), what chance to produce a good leader out of 400k? Almost zero. Simple probabilities, which you study in 5th Grade.
Yo, re-read the post, my friend. Then you will see that I argue that there is no race element to this. This inability to read and comprehend the written word is precisely why we have a D- average.
Very fine sentiments. The only problem is that there is no "best" to attract. There are only shades and combinations of "incompetent", "stupid" and "corrupt". But I might be wrong...Soooo: Let's tie it to performance. How about a scale like this: You grow GDP 2%/annum, we pay you $100,000. You grow GDP 5%/per annum, we pay you $1,000,000 You grow GDP 0%/ per annum, you pay us $50,000.
Would there be any takers? Would there be hell! There would not be a single "politician" in sight.
There is no race card to be played in the Bahamas. It is a matter of simple maths and probabilities. With of a total population of only about 400,000 and a D- average education level, the odds of producing a decent leader or leading political class are close to ZERO. It does not matter whether white, black or green with blue stripes: 400k ignorants stuck on a rock are going to produce the same quality of average leadership: rubbish. That is why I can see no long term hope. Just shades of bad (FNM) and worse (PLP).
800,000,000/400,000=$2,000 per man, woman and child in the Bahamas. Or around 10k per family. Man, are we gonna have to do some dope smuggling to pay this back!! Last boat in Miami is a slow coach!
All people get the government they deserve. We went from a totally shitty government to one that smells ever so slightly less. We should consider ourselves lucky! The Bahamian people did not change between the 9th and 10th of May. We cannot even hope for a better government than this one. Nor will we ever have one. D- in education, D- in government.
OldFort2012 says...
I know it's not his fault and he had nothing to do with it. But electing someone called "Rommel" to an international body is perhaps not the cleverest move. I can imagine the aghast faces of people when he introduces himself.
On Rommel Knowles elected Bahamas Olympic Committee president
Posted 17 November 2017, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
To be fair, all postal services throughout the world have been having a tough time for decades now, as a result of e-mail. Who still sends invoices by post? No one I know.
And if someone is not online and in business...I have news for you: you are already out of business.
On Businesses hit by Post Office ‘disaster’
Posted 15 November 2017, 6:52 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
Opinions are cheap and mainly hot air.
If you want the truth, look at the share price.
On Investors ‘amazed’ over BOB’s first profit in 5 years
Posted 14 November 2017, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
And I am a what? A Martian?
But let me enlighten you, because my point is exactly the one you made: if even the US, with 350m population produces morons as elements of its political class (4-5 decent Presidents in 150 years), what chance to produce a good leader out of 400k? Almost zero. Simple probabilities, which you study in 5th Grade.
On Govt seeking new $800m foreign loan
Posted 14 November 2017, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
Yo, re-read the post, my friend. Then you will see that I argue that there is no race element to this. This inability to read and comprehend the written word is precisely why we have a D- average.
On Govt seeking new $800m foreign loan
Posted 14 November 2017, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
Very fine sentiments. The only problem is that there is no "best" to attract. There are only shades and combinations of "incompetent", "stupid" and "corrupt".
But I might be wrong...Soooo:
Let's tie it to performance. How about a scale like this:
You grow GDP 2%/annum, we pay you $100,000.
You grow GDP 5%/per annum, we pay you $1,000,000
You grow GDP 0%/ per annum, you pay us $50,000.
Would there be any takers? Would there be hell! There would not be a single "politician" in sight.
On Nothing wrong with MP raises
Posted 14 November 2017, 6:43 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
There is no race card to be played in the Bahamas. It is a matter of simple maths and probabilities. With of a total population of only about 400,000 and a D- average education level, the odds of producing a decent leader or leading political class are close to ZERO. It does not matter whether white, black or green with blue stripes: 400k ignorants stuck on a rock are going to produce the same quality of average leadership: rubbish. That is why I can see no long term hope. Just shades of bad (FNM) and worse (PLP).
On Govt seeking new $800m foreign loan
Posted 14 November 2017, 5:18 a.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
800,000,000/400,000=$2,000 per man, woman and child in the Bahamas. Or around 10k per family. Man, are we gonna have to do some dope smuggling to pay this back!! Last boat in Miami is a slow coach!
On Govt seeking new $800m foreign loan
Posted 13 November 2017, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
All people get the government they deserve. We went from a totally shitty government to one that smells ever so slightly less. We should consider ourselves lucky! The Bahamian people did not change between the 9th and 10th of May. We cannot even hope for a better government than this one. Nor will we ever have one. D- in education, D- in government.
On INSIGHT: It's a question many are asking - were we duped?
Posted 7 November 2017, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal
OldFort2012 says...
Flowers for PM!
On Unions signal they’ll want pay rise too
Posted 7 November 2017, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal