Comment history

OldFort2012 says...

If you are born on Bahamian soil to legal residents, you should have the right to claim Bahamian citizenship. If you are born to a Bahamian parent anywhere in the world, you should be able to register as a Bahamian citizen. As simple as that. Those should be your rights. Whether you choose to exercise them...up to you.

On Minnis overturns citizenship vote

Posted 5 November 2017, 5:59 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says... other Bahamians.
Maybe that is why the referendum on homosexuality could not pass. We tired of taking it up the ass and we don't like it.

On Exuma grounded by faulty fire engine

Posted 3 November 2017, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Incredible. Truly Third World. Makes one ashamed.

On Exuma grounded by faulty fire engine

Posted 3 November 2017, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Crime is sometimes the product of pure evil. More often than not it is the result of lack of education, opportunity and hope. Grow the GDP. Minnis, you should think of nothing else: grow the GDP and all problems will fix themselves, given time.

On It’s all yours, Commissioner

Posted 31 October 2017, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Dawes is absolutely right. If there was a truly free market, the properties east of Bay Street would have almost no value. In fact, most of Downtown would have almost no value. That is because all financial services are shifting west and all that will be downtown will be the Courts and the shops servicing the cruise ships. All in all, enough demand for Bay Street shops and 3-4 office buildings containing law firms. The rest will be slowly abandoned.
The only way to prevent this is through tax policy. Squeeze the owners so much with yearly property taxes that they either go bankrupt or are forced to sell, at true market price. Only then can the rejuvenation of Nassau take place. But that is still decades away, in the best case.

OldFort2012 says...

Nothing wrong with that. If the UK Court establishes different facts, I will believe them. No argument there.

On Sarkis raises new Baha Mar questions

Posted 30 October 2017, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Nothing to do with political affiliation. I have never voted for the PLP in my life. I look at facts and all the facts point to Sarkis being an imbecile who managed to fuck things up all by himself, without any help from any politician.

On Sarkis raises new Baha Mar questions

Posted 30 October 2017, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

No, Mudda, you cannot get away so lightly with your reply, as it lacks intellectual rigour.

As I said in my comment above, and you seem to stress in your reply, your argument really is that this is a banana republic and that the judges are corrupt. I use the present tense because judges are appointed for life and do not change with political elections. If they were corrupt under Christie they remain corrupt under Minnis and probably were corrupt under Papa and Pindling before them, as Christie is far too stupid to have invented corruption. There can be no arguing with that fact. If that is truly so, then there is no hope for this country whatsoever. If that is what you mean, say so. Let us know where you stand.

That cannot possibly be the opinion of Sarkis, as he invested a lot of money here. Only an idiot or a clueless playboy toying with Daddy's money would invest in a country with no rule of law. Which do you think he is?

On Sarkis raises new Baha Mar questions

Posted 28 October 2017, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

The good thing about Mudda's comments is that they are written in English (and not gibberish) so that at least I can understand them and analyze them for factualness and truth. Let us take his first sentence:

"The Baha Mar development was **wrongfully** taken from Sarkis **by the corrupt Christie-led PLP government** in what was tantamount to a **nationalization** of the development **for the benefit of Red China."**

"Wrongfully" implies that it was done without or against Court orders. Not so. Quite the contrary: every Court order was obeyed.

No argument that the "PLP government" was corrupt but they did not take anything away from anyone. It was the Courts, through due process of law. Now, if the argument is that the Bahamas is a banana republic without due process and that all judges are corrupt and just there to rubber-stamp the government's bidding, then he should say so and give some factual proof.

"Nationalisation" is the process by which property is transferred to the ownership of the nation. Was Baha Mar ever, even for a millisecond, in the ownership of the Bahamas? No, it was not.

"For the benefit of Red China": this would imply that the Chinese benefitted financially. In fact, when you take how much money they lent and subtract how much they recovered, they are down billions.

So we are actually left with: "Don't expect Carl Bethel to do anything." What a shocker! An AG who does nothing against the due process of law?! What is this world coming to?


Entertainment value: B-
Factualness: F. Must revise harder.

On Sarkis raises new Baha Mar questions

Posted 28 October 2017, 5:42 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

As if the US courts are going to give two hoots what a Bahamian court has established. When there is money for the US Treasury involved, they could not care less if God, Jesus and all 12 Apostles testified to it.