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OldFort2012 says...

LOL. Let's hope not. It would be an embarrassment. In the English Composition and Grammar department, if nothing else.

On $166m bail-out is BOB's 'best shot'

Posted 5 August 2017, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

If you are looking for him, you will find him in the same place as Pablo Escobar. They are together reminiscing about the good old days and sharing some good jokes.

OldFort2012 says...

Solo white female standing on a street corner in South Chicago at midday. Chances of getting robbed or much worse: 100%. Same in "Over-the-Hill": much, much less.

OldFort2012 says...

I would definitely agree that the UK is not the Bahamas. They have electricity 24/7 there and the dumps don't burn.
As for the need for citizenship, you are quite wrong: UK citizen can keep all of their money offshore with no tax liability in the UK whatsoever, as long as they spends less than 60 days in residence in the UK. Therefore the idea that any UK citizen would want or need a Bahamian passport is just a figment of your imagination. There are hundreds of them here, with permanent residence and no citizenship. Brexit has nothing to do with it either: Even afterwards there will be free travel for UK citizens throughout the EU.
PS: as to "as the other person said"...that is me. Reread the post. My only point is that no one would pay $5m, as Mudda suggested, for a Bahamian passport. Not unless they are completely illiterate and I don't know too many people with $5m that are.

OldFort2012 says...

And the answer is: the same people who are calling the shots now. The people with capital.

OldFort2012 says...

There is a huge difference between permanent residence and citizenship. No one in this article talks about citizenship. But let us talk about citizenship: if you invest 500,000 Pounds and live in the UK for 5 years, you are entitled to UK citizenship. I think anyone would agree that by world standards, a UK passport is ever so slightly better than a Bahamian one. So your idea would completely price us out of the market. Always useful to know where other countries are at.

OldFort2012 says...

Oh, forgot to mention: if Albany "fixed" the BEC, how could you run up millions of $ in unpaid bills? They would cut you off after the second month! How is a decent Bahamian businessman supposed to run a profitable business if he has to PAY his utility bills? This is unheard of and goes totally against everything the PLP stands for!! It must not happen!!

On PLP rejected $700m power rescue plan

Posted 2 August 2017, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

To "fix" the dump, you would need the co-operation of the police, who would need to stop fly-tipping, charge all loads and stop the constant theft of recycled materials. That is what is needed to turn round its finances and make it a viable long term business which can recycle and invest. This does not suit many prominent PLP "businessmen". Doubt it will suit many non-PLPs either. No more free money.

On PLP rejected $700m power rescue plan

Posted 2 August 2017, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

I got the comparison and agree with you that stealing is stealing. But any rightful judge would/should sentence the corrupt politician far more harshly than the businessman who under-reports his custom duties. Having said that, both should be punished. No question.

On Davis owns up to PLP failures

Posted 1 August 2017, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

"The wealthy businessman who cheats on his customs duties is as corrupt as the politician who awards government contracts to his own businesses."
I would beg to differ. One contributes less to the public purse, because it is the only way to survive in this economy, the other steals directly from the public purse because he thinks it is his right. Even though he receives a handsome salary from that very same purse for doing not very much. Not to mention that he also breaks the oath of office. All in all, if Brave cannot see the difference than he really is not fit to be in politics.

On Davis owns up to PLP failures

Posted 1 August 2017, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal