Comment history

One says...

Imagine if the Cashiers thought of their lives like a business. Can their salaries cover, clothes, food, travel, housing, etc.? How much "profit" do they have left after expenses? Most other them are running their "business" out of someone else's property (home) because they can't afford their own.

They're a business running at a loss. The hypocrisy we allow. We have to be reasonable with the profiting business but a lower-class individual need to sort themselves out. They're free and have options, work or beg.

One says...

Well, we're supposed to be poor, uneducated and desperate. So we praise any investment.

One says...

Huh... Let this be a lesson for everyone. If you aren't getting what you want don't show up to work. This is how our private a public sectors negotiate.

One says...

When all the tourists are on boats and cruise ships they'll be enjoying the Bahamas without the Bahamians.

What percentage of tourist traffic is currently isolated from Bahamians on cruise ships, yachts, and gated communities? I don't think that's a good thing for us.

One says...

Sounds like a good idea. Or even better make a national lottery and eliminate the private number houses altogether. The proceeds of the national lottery goes to fund public programs. This is what the USA, Canada, UK and many other countries do.

One says...

From another angle.

The Columbus statue is a tourist attraction. A historical figure that many know of outside of the Bahamas. Reinstate as an attraction using money made from taxing the tourist industry.

If society has a problem with it, inform them clearly of the commercial value it has and let them vote if the loss of money is an acceptable trade-off to support permanent removal. Heck, you could probably install a plaque denouncing Columbus and tourists would still want to take pictures with the statue.

Let democracy decide.

One says...


Columbus did take the natives back as slaves. But the point of there being other bad actors holds.

I think people in general want to make room for new historical figures who represent current societal values and inspire the desired future. Sure colonialism, slavery, piracy etc is part of Bahamian history which we should be aware of. But what figures inspire us now that we want to display in public?

If there aren't any then that's a problem. Seems like today besides politicians maybe the "number men" have had the biggest influence (most power) over the country.

One says...

There are many systemic issues. The Bahamas systems are derivative of a colonial structure of which we are officially independent. It isn't appropriate/working for us to use those systems as our foundation.

Is it reasonable to take a wheel off a car and still manage the wheel as if it's the whole car? No, you need to transform the wheel to maximize utility/potential independent of the car.

On Doctors alarm at outsourcing plan

Posted 31 October 2022, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Who are your suspects? Name names

One says...

Yes, I notice it too. They select what we can share opinions on and even remove comments they don't like.