Comment history

Oracle says...

May God comfort us all as a people....sleep on Sweet Charles, sleep on.

On Minnis in tears

Posted 16 August 2012, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Rest in peace Charles...take your rest.

On FNM deputy's protest over Maynard snub

Posted 16 August 2012, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Good Going Aisha...we are proud of you!

On Bahamian researcher heading to space

Posted 16 August 2012, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

My deepest sympathy to his wife, children and other family members. May Our Heavenly Father comfort you and envelope you with his love now and alays. Charles you will be truly miss...your smile was truly capitivating and your passion infectious

On Heart attack suspected

Posted 14 August 2012, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

How do you expect citizens to be vigilant when the police is distorting the crime statistics to give a false sense of security where there is clearly none....this is a serious problem and BJ, Keith and Greenslade need to stop postering and sound the alarm and get all communities involve before it gets worse...and stop talking about modifying the law to benefit criminals bj...go build more prisons!!

On Eight armed robberies in a single weekend

Posted 13 August 2012, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Urban Renewal 2.0 in full effect.…

Oracle says...


On Acquittal to be challenged

Posted 26 June 2012, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Sir Russell you are seriously sick and demented and example of what keeps this country in the muck and mire its in...I pray God release us from the likes of you.

Oracle says...

Can someone show me these young Bahamians this government claimed they believed in, this bridge from Sir Lynden to the new generation? Because everything old is coming back in style! So the Raynard Rigbys, Peter Galanis they lack Leslie's brilliance......same ole same ole and this time around the PM dont have to account as he doesnt plan to be here next election as he will be to OLD.....hope everyone happy,

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 21 June 2012, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

At least one party is getting to work....The duty of a shadow minister is precisely that, to shadow and keep track of all the policy initiatives, actions and defaults of the substantive Cabinet minister, to advance alternative policy or principled arguments on behalf of the opposition and the Bahamian people, and to assist the leader of the opposition, as likely future Cabinet ministers, in charting the course towards victory in the next general elections

On FNM names shadow cabinet

Posted 18 June 2012, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal