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Oracle says...

Tell the politician kill the talk and do the walk...respect isnot GIVEN its EARNED........

On Don't mess with the press

Posted 18 June 2012, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Let us pray...Father have mercy on this nation and its leaders may you remove ignorance, stupidity, deceiptiveness, lies, thievery and replace with Godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding and a fear of God ad they lead us.

Oracle says...

Hire a coroner...invest in what you believe

Oracle says...

Minister Gray...this is not Kansas anymore the Bahamian people are no longer afarid to speak out as is refleccted in this news article from Inagua Chief Councillor disputing your claim....http://www.thenassauguardian.c…

On 'Ingraham used cash to target me'

Posted 13 June 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

“No, I don’t say that. What I say is this: we don’t buy votes. That’s what you are asking me. I said I assist people, no matter what the circumstances are and I do it every day of my life." “It’s stupid. First of all, you don’t buy votes that way. To purchase votes, let me just explain, because I’m so embarrassed at the reporters of our country actually running such a stupid story.“To buy a vote, you have to buy a voter’s card and you cannot ensure what the individual is going to do in the voter’s box and that does not make sense.

“When you buy a vote you take the person’s card so you try to avoid them from voting. That doesn’t happen and it did not happen. I made it very clear and I don’t apologize for it, I help people in my constituency and I will always help people in my constituency.“If the individual running against me does want to or cannot do it or has never done it, that’s his business. I take care of my people in my constituency and I do so every day of my life, whether they are in hospital or whether they are having some individual difficulties, whatever it might be.“I am there to serve and I assist my people. So if you want to accuse me of helping people, go ahead. But that ridiculous notion is just propaganda and it is unfortunate that the media is again allowing itself to be wrongfully used by an individual who for the most can only do talk. That’s why West End has an MP and not an MC.

“I work for people everyday, what you expect me to be, I be with the people everyday, it is stupid okay, that’s the word, it’s stupid.”…

On Junior Minister Keith Bell makes claim

Posted 11 June 2012, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Felix...the point is... in law as advocate of law, lawyers have to learn how to be equitable....the settlement wasnot equitable...hence the request that the courts intrevene and assign reasonable Billing...this is an injustice and show the sickness in the legal system when the victim's attorney receives more for the victim's suffering than the victim...I thank God for a God who doent sleep or slumber and who promises to seek vengenance on the unjust regardless of WHO you are or how well learnt one is.....wrong is wrong..."I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against. " Malcolm X

On Minister fights back over $1m writ claims

Posted 10 June 2012, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

True true true

Oracle says...

Distract from the issue and people will eventually forget...thank God for your mouth Honourable Bell you remind us daily of why we must not only keep this government foot to the fire but also ensure they yet again govern for ONE Term ONLY!!

Oracle says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Minister fights back over $1m writ claims

Posted 9 June 2012, 8:24 p.m.

Oracle says...

TalRussell can I kindly buy the illustrious Russell name from you least they associate all of us with your ignorance and stupidity.

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 8 June 2012, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal