Comment history

Oracle says...

Are we prophesizing that the Bahamas "Ides of March" approach has the "government" armed its Brutus and we will soon see the demise of Caesar

On Row over security

Posted 8 June 2012, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Guilty conscience is a serious crisis, you have to find another to say ..."I saw you doing it TOO" helps to ease and justify that "well I can't be wrong if I say you did it too..." but whether the other person did or didnot the FACT that you did are you not wrong!!....Let's move on, you got the votes so it doesnt matter whether you did it honorably or questioningly you received more can you please get to work!!!you want it< you got it< so now go do something with it!!! Enough............

Oracle says...

I must admit this is an excellent presentation on behalf of the DNA...good job Mr. Humes

On DNA: Reforms must not be self-serving

Posted 7 June 2012, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Hon Minister Ryan Pinder....this is disgraceful and merely reiterates to the Bahamian people that you are about your own agenda and not the Bahamian people.....they expose themselves so early can you expect better later.....

Oracle says...

Jah knows......wonder if anyone from this group visited a church lately,....maybe they now understand how the church and those families felt who experienced the negative side of this organization....Karma is truly b@@@@....Jah Knows.......

Oracle says...

"If it got the point where the Government wanted to implement VAT throughout the country, Freeport would be the ideal testing ground, no doubt about it. It could be rolled out in Freeport in three months because of the structure of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement. Customs will be performing the same role; they'll just be coming in to check the books."...."This is why this question of alternative taxation needs to be resolved or rolled out by 2014," Mr Ferguson told Tribune Business. "This is why it's becoming urgent. No one is talking about that. It's all about government wanting more revenues, but there are these commitments to liberalisation and removing these barriers to trade."

..............rather thanCustoms and Immigration striking for overtime they need to be heading to school to take up accounting!.......Excellent article.

On Freeport 'ideal VAT testing bed'

Posted 7 June 2012, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

I represented this area when I started in 1977. In 1977 over 680 votes came from this area. Now it's just probably over 300 and that is because the area continues to deteriorate....Urban Renewal to me means that we are going to take these houses here, we are going to demolish them. The experience of the outside toilets that was here is going to be no more..." Are Bahamians taxpayers now responsible for cleaning up Farm Road after 35years?

Oracle says...

take your rest

On Al Jarrett dies, aged 69

Posted 6 June 2012, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Don't worry about the judges Dwight Knowles....just have a talk with the Minister

On Armed robber's appeal rejected by court

Posted 6 June 2012, 11:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Facts is what we will longer will inuendos and unsubtantiated accusations be the modus operandi Hon. longer will vague legal jargon and generalization be accepted as fact....we the Bahamian people believe we deserve TRUTH..,,,,,put him under the stethoscope DR.

On FNM fires back over slush fund claims

Posted 6 June 2012, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal