Comment history

Oracle says...

Ok he has received his prerequisite consultation and it appears he has been adviced to demand publicly funded psychiatric help...after all before we consider anyone we must take care of the "non-victims" first.......We believe in all bahamians no matter they be criminal or otherwise.....dey Bahamians.....

Oracle says...

I wonder if he has received
his Prerequisite consultation on how much sentences he should be given...dont want those 'non-victims" to be disadvantage by being held fully accountable for his action......

Oracle says...

How did Mr. Bell zeroed in on this account so quickly...was it knowledge now looking for an opportunity but deterred because the Bahamian people's fund was used for their benefit...If a crime was committed you have shown how well-versed with the law you are having been afford top-notch legal education by the Bahamian people whilst you were still employed.

Is this search for funds effort to finance Urban Renewal 2.0.....why arent finance matters restricted to the numerous Ministers of Finance many persons hired in other areas are commenting on "where the money at...well the cookie jar broke sometime between 2002-2007' and the Bahamian people realized they don't need a new one as they the owners never got any cookies....Mr. Bell the bell has rung can you PLEASE focus on fighting crime on the street and maybe new funds will be confiscated to be disburse as the new government deems.....but get to work and quit the talking and start the walking...Mr. Nottage talks enough for the two of you!!

On 'All the money is gone'

Posted 6 June 2012, 12:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Evidence Honourable Sir Evidence

On Junior Minister Keith Bell makes claim

Posted 5 June 2012, 6:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

We have to realisticly understand, Dr Nottage, Mr. Christie and many others in his age bracket in the governing party (which includes ALL of their consultants) donot intend to run in the next election therefore accountability in their decision-making and how it speaks to the re-elctability of their party is low in consideration as 1. Does he have any children? 2. If yes, how many of their children are active in politics and thus will be adversely impacted by thier action 3. We have to accept that we have transition from the era of All for me Baby to To its just about me. 4. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on the scorpion said "it's in my nature" 5. Who can stop them, they have been given four (4) and 11+months of free reign.....
6.People just pray that God will be merciful in granting the hearts desire of the blinded followers of this regime....Pray it still changes things....PRAY!

On Tread carefully, Mr Minister

Posted 3 June 2012, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

APratt where were you when the Prime Minster of the Bahamas was disrespected and threaten on two occassions....please be assure this time around...there will be no free pass...A Spade will be called a Spade and a CAD a CAD.....Stupid is as stupid is....

Oracle says...

**Why is it that not a single one** of these persons is willing to look the camera directly in the eye while this statement and claims are being it because the claims and statement are it that some of these "professionals" have external code of ethics tied to their profession and therefore they don't want to be labled as *unethical in making unsubtantiated, non-independently verifiable statement to benefit their own self interest*

Oracle says...

**Why is it that not a single one** of these persons is willing to look the camera directly in the eye while this statement and claims are being it because the claims and statement are it that some of these "professionals" have external code of ethics tied to their profession and therefore they don't want to be labled as *unethical in making unsubtantiated, non-independently verifiable statement to benefit their own self interest*

On Oracle

Posted 31 May 2012, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal