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PKMShack says...

@coralharbour do you think asiseeit is lying. There is a huge problem at Junkanoo with small groups of men assaulting women. And yes there is a group of men that do know how to act. One bad apple spoils the bunch. Let's just hope that it does not happen to a blonde blue eyed visitor, the black eye will only get bigger. We are known in the U.S. media now for being a violent place to visit (not to say other places around the world are not) but for the size of OUR country and OUR population we carrying on bad. Better yet we need visitors to survive because where will this country be without them. Sadly over the years we are tearing it apart. Lastly to call names is exactly how it starts off, hence our value and respect of others and their opinion is what we are reaping today. Name calling then violence that's what we do these days.

PKMShack says...

according to this article every step of the way he was a problem, unless everyone in the story is lying.

PKMShack says...

when the protest

PKMShack says...

I believe him and everything they less go get dat erl....damn jackass

On FNM blamed for new delay in referendum

Posted 7 October 2014, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

and folks voted for these tiefs, now deal with what you voted for. and for 2 more years boy yinna in trouble, im leaving for the U.S. and will only return for Junkanoo, im jumping ttyl and see you dec on bay street

On No funds to repair broken traffic lights

Posted 7 October 2014, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

New Leadership PLP need to go get lost and stay lost, they about to be out and we going to keep them out.

On Mitchell says DNA marchers were paid $25

Posted 7 October 2014, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

that's a lot of information, almost all U.S. jails have cameras so it all should be on tape. Maybe he was hearing voices, hopefully they don't investigate like we do in our country. Let's hold them accountable like we do with our police dept. don't ask any more from the U.S. because we ask no more from our Bahamian Police in our own country.

PKMShack says...

the scared, don't let the bull shit fool you

On PLP convention postponed

Posted 4 October 2014, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ tal you must be pgc or you dumber than I thought. Now I need Birdie to Translate what you said? LOL The 3 of you must be blood family. 3 plain ole dummies!

Mr. Speaker and I rise this time in the 'first person’ to rephrase what I should have spoken as the Da Right Honourable Prime Minister and Member for Centerville, when I previously rose in my customarily 'third person' role to have launched into a lengthy embedded explanation of the prime ministerial powers I know's I hold . And in so doing I should have spoken in a language the common man's and woman's on the streets would understand and have simply conveyed to all Honourable House Members present in a clear and precise format - that I will not allow myself to be lectured by the Honourable Member for Montagu. Not now, not never.

On Christie fails to clarify Wells issue

Posted 4 October 2014, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

What did you say is correct? TAL and Birdie please translate what the hell he said? PLP all the way! to nowhere. pgc should ask his friend HAI to borrow his balls because he sure does not have a pair that works.

On Christie fails to clarify Wells issue

Posted 3 October 2014, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal